
Would you think I had a problem/issues if I cannot trust people? sometimes I prefer to be by myself and I am

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usually happiest when doing so-"PEACE OF MIND", and when I am around people both inside/outside of the work place- I am usually quiet and observant,and its getting worser now. people also tend to think I am stuck-up,weird or "Think I am all that". when it is not the case- I just don't trust people anymore! and to tell the truth I really don't know how too! Help Me out..




  1. you have just describe myself because its very hard to trust people, and when you do feel like you trust someone, they turn on you and your feelings get hurt. its ok to be quiet at work, and when you do communicate with people just make sure you moniter what you say and dont let the word STUCK UP bother you, people say that because they dont know your personal business. and as females we all need someone to talk to or occasionally go out with, so if you can just think of one good person you can do that with, you will feel relieved because there are a few good people left.

  2. I see nothing wrong with being a loner.When you have friends,when something goes wrong your friends blame you,even if you didn't do anything wrong to begin with.

  3. Don't worry about it! Almost every time i trust someone, i get my feelings hurt. Just do what makes you comfortable :)  

  4. I am a loner too...I think perhaps most people are that use the internet a little too much..this is their way of socializing when the need to be around real people is not there.  Don't get me wrong, I am not anti-social at all, I just want to be quiet now and have a quiet soul now.  I don't want to go to clubs, I don't want to get used and used up.  I just want to be me and free. I know what your issues are with trust, but I will not disclose them on this public forum...time heals all's a cliche because it's true.  You are a lovely soul and trusting people comes with that gentle nature; however, when that trust is is hard to put your hat back on staight, hard to look someone in the eye and think there isn't an alternate motive behind their smile.  You just have to be patient with yourself and when the real deal comes along, you'll know...your intuition gets stronger and stronger with every year that I know you. Peace, baby.

  5. You are probably smart in doing this, if you don't feel the inherent trust between you and the people you are around, something may be wrong. Your intuition may be trying to tell you something. You also may be feeling more/increasingly vulnerable on some level. Nows a good time to practise being comfortable by yourself, building up your physical and mental, and spiritual/emotional health, and NOT CARING what those people saying those things about you think. If they think you "think you're all that" and that you are in fact, not, then s***w them. really. You ARE all that. Theres nothing wrong with having self confidence.

    The best thing I can think of is to really focus on the things that matter to you, things that are important. Start working on something. Relax COMPLETELY and do stuff you really like to do. Try to feel out what you're really about. Also really think about the relationships around you and if they are good for you.

    Most of all, don't worry too much about this. There are a lot of normal people who have felt they can't trust anyone at some point in their lives, including me. Sometimes you have to look inward and put the most trust yourself

    (apologize for cheesiness, but i do mean it)

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