
Would you think I was a nice person if I offered you a gift that you did not accept?

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and because of that I would put you in a torture chamber for the rest of your life?




  1. Nope. I'd think you were insane and evil, like the Christian God would be if it actually existed.

  2. If your gift was a "get out of the torture chamber card" and I did not accept it...that would be my fault, not yours.

    You would still be a nice person for offering it to me.

  3. h**l isn't a "torture chamber"

    We wont be in a cave with little imps poking us with pitchforks, either

    h**l is when God looks at us and sees us as stained with sin and imperfect, so He cuts Himself off from us.  We are the in eternal loneliness as we are cut off from our creator. The one and only purpose of being created is to bring glory and honor to your creator, without which a person is useless and worthless.

  4.   If  you  could  not breath  and I had a oxygen  tank  that  I

      said  I  would  give you,and you refused it you  would  die

      who,s fault  would  that be,,your,s.

  5. No, I would instead wonder why and how you could possibly turn down such an amazing gift!

    We ALL deserve h**l!  Every single person alive deserves to spend eternity there!  But God, in all His wisdom and love, offered us a way to spend eternity with Him.  He sent us a free gift and all we have to do is accept it.  Only a fool would turn down eternal life with Him.

    And, by the way, God isn't "the Christian God."  He first made Himself known to Abraham, who was the first Hebrew.

    May He make Himself known to you and richly bless your life!

  6. You assume God is putting people in a torture the word.

    Let's go to the word of God beginning with Genesis.

    Adam was warned not to eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil or he would surely die.

    Adam ate of the tree.

    Adam did die.

    Reenact this same scenario with every human ever born.

    Man sinned and inherited death.

    God loved you so much he paid the penalty of death for you so that you could have eternal life with him.

    That's the gift your rejecting.

    If you choose to judge at least know who you are judging before making this judgment.

  7. You are absolutely right.

  8. That's different because you're just not accepting the truth and love of your lord and savior Jesus Christ!  


  9. No, I would think you were a sadistic monster just like Christians portray their God.It is retarded they can't see how wrong the concept of h**l is.

  10. Great question, great analogy.

    It's amazing that so many Christians can't seem to see that the standard Christian bible-thumping dogma is simply INCOMPATIBLE with the idea of a loving god. (Or even a sane, rational, and ethical god.)

    Religion does not have to be based on rationality, of course. It's more of an intuitive, emotional, spiritual experience. But at the very least it should not be blatantly illogical, inconsistent, and contradictory.

    And that's exactly what it is when Christians try to tell you that their "god" loves you so much that he arranged to have Jesus tortured to death for you -- instead of cruelly killing an animal in sacrifice, which is what Jehovah once preferred -- just so that he won't have to send you to h**l to be tortured for all eternity; and that's what proves their god's "love" of humanity. I mean: HUH???

    Actually, though: Been there, done that, it was many years ago. I'm very glad I came to my senses and got over it. Now that I look back on it, the whole christian bible-thumping thing made no sense at all. When I left Christianity I spent about ten years as an atheist before finally coming home to pantheistic Nature spirituality and finding my true spiritual heart in polytheistic pagan religion.

    (But now my conscience haunts me, about my dark and deluded days as a bible-believing evangelical christian. I feel so guilty and ashamed of myself, worrying about how many poor souls I inadvertantly misled and misguided into worshipping and believing in the false and vicious deity of the Christians. Mmmm...NAH - Just kidding!  *LOL*  I guess anybody who actually allows themselves to be brainwashed by the bible-thumpers probably deserves all the emotional turmoil, psychological suffering and tortured-soul misery that religion will be likely to inflict on them in the long run.)


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