
Would you think it a good move for Schools to offer self-defence classes to girls (and boys)?

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Would you feel more secure knowing that your little girl had a good chance of defending herself against a man if the situation ever arose?




  1. Possibly, but anger management might be more appropriate.

  2. No because they are more likely to overestimate their abilities and to get themselves seriously hurt or killed.  Kids are just not mature enough to judge circumstances.  Young men in particular often die of causes linked to their own sense of immortality.  

    I have never heard of a school (k-12) offering child-defense classes.  Its irresponsible, and a disaster just waiting to happen.  I think they would be setting themselves up to get their sorry a*ses sued.

    *Lol Ryan is dead right.

  3. Yes. Both sexes.

  4. Yes, I do think that's a really good idea.  I like the idea of both males and females having a basic knowledge of how to defend themselves...the world's a dangerous place for everyone!

  5. I think improving math and reading skills are more important that teaching girls (and boys) how to fight.

  6. Yes and they should arm them with guns too.  Uhm you left out little boys?!  Don't they have a right to defend themselves?  I think every little girl

    should have the right to "shoot first and ask questions later."  

    After all, men are such pigs...or wolves in sheeps clothing...

  7. Many years ago when I was at school, I remember they took us girls aside for one class and taught us some self defense techniques.  I think its a good idea in theory.

  8. i think they should be taught to both, not just combat but awarness training which is far more effective. im hoping to convince my trainer to help me teach at the local schools.

    oh btw thats only slightly sexist and offensive, saying that only girls should be taught, and assuming the attacker would be male.

  9. Yes I strongly agree especially for protecting girls.  My grade school implemented a defense class after school that included both physical and verbal self-defense techniques.  Go for it.

  10. EDIT: I took 'self defence' to mean like those 'unarmed combat' or 'women's self defence' classes ~ very good in their own way, but teaching all young people how to be strong and powerful WITHOUT being violent would do a lot to change how things are, imo :-)


    Personally, no, I don't like the idea of 'self defence' classes where everyone learns to repel attackers.

    Martial arts training, which focusses on personal development, learning a variety of skills and the responsible use of those skills would be a real plus (for girls AND boys), however.

    Cheers :-)

  11. um i don;t know...i've never thought of that actually

  12. Yes, definitely, for both girls and boys. Besides, it's good physical activity and children are generally interested in it.

  13. Lets face it girls and boys dont need self defence classes,,,they have knives and guns and are more than ready to use violence at the drop of a hat anyway.

  14. I agree with Thing...martial arts in context is far better than self-defense out of context. I wish there were programs in schools that would let you train for your black belt in a martial art, rather than the sorry excuse for PE we have now (I just graduated from high school, and I can tell you PE morale was at an all-time low).

    I think kids should have an annual seminar about ending violence (with a topic about the extent of violence against women) and get these kids crusading against violence! I cannot believe the school system never addresses a subject as important, wide-spread, and changeable as person-to-person violence. If even a few kids who might have otherwise grown up to date-rape a girl or mug an old man at knifepoint learn about compassion, empathy, mercy, and personal accountability for ending violence, it will be worth it. Of course there are those no one will reach, but most are open enough to new ideas for an empathy workshop to make a difference.

    Hack at the root of the problem, not just the limbs, as Thoreau would say.

  15. Self defense should be on the circuum for both girls and boys, but I may teach my children at home should my partner agree with it.

  16. I do think schools should offer some form of martial arts in phys ed classes. In my karate class, we have kids as young as five, possibly younger; they can handle it.

  17. It's almost certain they would choose some useless brand of Shotokan karate (or similar) which is useless in a street fight. Also it will be taught to everyone, including bullies.

    Male Victimhood is right, they will assume they now have the tools and end up getting hurt.

    Wrestling is a high school sport, and very effective in street fights, yet still only certain people do it.

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