
Would you think that a 27 yr. old woman who was dating or married to a 53 yr. old man was a golddigger?

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not me. lol




  1. I would not assume that based on age only.

  2. NO and what right does anybody have to judge.  People should just mind their business. And if she is and he doesn't care why should you?

  3. Yep, but if she is a golddigger, what does it make him? Any man who marrys a girl so much younger than himself deserves a golddigger.  

  4. Yes, she is a gold digger.

  5. Only if there wasnt any love there..

  6. I agree with Val, gross, lol!

    I know a lady, who went out with an older man on purpose, and, he has dementia, lol!  ugh...

    talk about sad, that's a sad sad woman, taking advantage of an old man with money that's disabled, too...


  7. I guess it depend if the 27 year old woman was extremely attractive and the 53 year old man was loaded.  Than I might be a judgemental a&& and think she is being a gold digger.  

    *shrugs*  Personally I see unhappiness in her life as he ages rapidly once he hits 60 & moves into his 70's (slowing down, becoming a old man) while she is still 37 - 47 (vibrant and ready to keep going).  Of course nobody thinks about that but its not my concern.  Live your life the way you want to live it, just don't cry to anyone else when you have a wrinkled old man with his sagging nuts trying to get into your pants.

  8. no necessarily. i am 23 married to to 38 yearl old man . ami a goldigger . no i just found everything i ve ever wanted in him . it is been 5 years 4months . and trust me i dint even care about his bank account  

  9. No She must like older men! Whats wrong with that age is a number!

  10. No. I know a girl that was 16 when she met a 43 y/o man and fell in love with him. He didn't look anywhere near his age (hes a fitness instructor) and she is now 22. She is 1 year younger then his daughter but they are together still and in love with a baby. Money had nothing to do with it.

  11. No, I think people are too complicated for others to judge on something that superficial. Is the 53 yr. old man just looking for arm candy or is it possible that he really finds a girl 26 yrs. his junior an intellectually stimulating companion? They are both over the age of consent, so I would not want to make any generalizations about them.

  12. In these days and times , one would tend to think that was the case especially if he had lots of money that would go to her at his death . Stranger things have happened though so who knows for sure .

  13. If she were with him for his money, I would think she was.  If she truly loved him, I wouldn't.  Some people are gold diggers.  Some are not.  You can't really know without learning their motives.

  14. Yes, thats what I would think.

  15. Not if he's broke.  But when you see a young girl with an old man, he usually has money!

  16. Not really. I've always liked older men, for their intelligence, wisdom and experience. I'm 32 and my boyfriend is 45- and far from rich. But boy is he s**y!

  17. I would think so.... either that or he was a man that came forward and treated her like royalty after a string of not so nice men...

    I guess it would depend on if I knew this couple or not, really. LOL I mean 26 years is QUITE a large difference in age. I could see 10 years, or so... but think about it... When he was able to drink.... She wasn't even a twinkle in her parents eyes...

  18. I would think that she's looking for a daddy, she probally didn't have one growing up and she just wants a father figure.  

  19. I'd feel like I was having s*x with my Dad.


  20. the girl would be the gold digger why else would she marry him

  21. no, i don't think the age & money are necessarily related.  i would, however, suspect that both people were trying to avoid dealing with a personal issue, ie. the man has screwed up some past relationships and now trying to do-over... or he still hasn't figured out intimacy and he's hoping to avoid it by going young again, or the woman doesn't want to deal with being a young man's partner, ie. all the hard work required to get established in career, save money, learn about house and family and life, etc.  She wants "instant middle age" stability.

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