
Would you think that gut feelings are always correct?

by Guest45468  |  earlier

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most people say "do what your guts tell you to do"

but would is be a good thing?




  1. My guy feeling is that my gut feelings are not always correct. I am really confused about this now......

  2. Sometimes they are on the money and then again not.  

  3. Not always, but sometimes.

    Do what you think is best

  4. no, not always. most time doing tht can mess everything up.. trust me

  5. People only remember the times their gut was is always 20-20 right.

  6. I have followed my gut feelings, and been glad for it when it proved to be the best course of action.

    However, there have been some times that I regretted it.

    What I've learned is that sometimes the gut feeling is based more on fear of change than anything else.  So when I get a gut feeling about something, I just analyze it more to determine whether it's just fear of change, or whether I find the prospect indeed dangerous or otherwise unsafe/unwise.

    The nice thing about being 46 is that I've accumulated quite a lot of wisdom -- it really does make it much easier to negotiate things in life and remain relatively happy and secure.  :-)

  7. if your guts tell you to kill your boss is it good thing

  8. usually, yes

  9. I think gut feelings depend on how perceptive the individual is. Whereby someone who is highly perceptive or experienced would have greater reason to trust their gut. Rather than someone who trusts their gut & seemingly constantly falls at the hurdles due to doing so.

    I think what gut feelings offer is a chance to live today & in doing so you will have fewer regrets, as you acted to your survival instinct at that time. Hindsight may say it was a wrong decision but life would say it is true to your cause & your destiny road. I know which world I'd rather life.

    Gut feelings can mould & develop as well so your gut can get better at what it says :-)

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