
Would you tolerate gun confiscation?

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I watch this video and am SICK.

Whether you are a "gun nut" or an "anti-gun nut".... the idea that this behavior could happen in MODERN DAY United States is SICKENING.

I'd NEVER tolerate this....




  1. NO.

  2. Nope. Anyone who tries to take away my guns will have to pry them out of my cold, dead hands.

  3. Only a slave would.

  4. No I would NOT tolerate this. I have a constitutional right to bear arms. I have the right to protect myself from harm. If they did not have a warrent to seize my guns, you bet I would sue them..for all I possibly could. The video made ME sick. It's sad. Just so sad.

  5. No, its not gonna happen, it wouldn't be prudent!

    Its not above obama to do just that, think about it, you would criminalize almost all the dissenting voters in The U.S. and stop them from voting, poof, the core pro gun faction disarmed and precluded from voting in one felled swoop!  Liberals win!  I would become an instant criminal as would many law abiding gun owners, I wouldn't turn in any firearm irregardless of the laws of obama and pelosi.  I would be arrested and most likely convicted and imprisoned and in most states a felon cannot vote so, poof, no more opposition.

  6. nor would i or my pistol packing friends

  7. NO.

  8. I started to read in the paper this morning about Chicago police and their gun buy back program. The mayor of Chicago is a very close minded, ignorant individual. For this idiot to claim that guns in the home is the cause of violence, he is so out of touch with reality. At least if someone breaks into my home I can protect myself. When you call the police in a situation  like that it's usually  just to cordon off the crime scene and call the coroner.

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