
Would you trade places with your wife ?

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Would you trade roles with your wife ? Like if till now you were a sole bread winner in your home and your wife was home maker ,would u let her be the bread winner and take her place at home ? Even if she gets a better paying job then you ?




  1. Right now I work full time and my wife is unemployed.  We have two kids, but both are school age and don't need much work.  So, her job at home is pretty easy.  I would love to trade places with her, for two reasons.

    One, I think I would do at least as good a job keeping the house clean and cooking good meals as she does.  We would have fresher foods more often, and there would be less clutter.  

    And two, she would definitely make more money than me, given her career vs mine.  I guess what I fail to see is how more money could be a bad thing.  I don't understand how it can possibly make a difference who earns it.  More money = good!

  2. That does not compute for me because my wife and I both feel that in this economy if you want to get ahead, it means both of you will have to work.

  3. If i were a man, i could do that, you see practically a woman is always a better home maker, and a man is a good bread earner, but even if this happens that i feel a need to change roles, i would have done that, think modern, do not think of grandpa's days

  4. I wouldnt no.

  5. what is the harm in that let her do so but the family life should be happy no compairiosions on the same topic after all you both will work for better future for u and your childs.

  6. Try it the moment you do it your wife will dump you for ego issues and go for someone earning better than her - normal tendency of a woman. How many women even if they work and earn share exactly 50% for household expenses very few - most woudl save it and make the husband spend. The moment they make a cent over the husband a big wave of superiority complex drives in ruining the whole family life.

    2ndly even the Society would look down at the man who has reveresed the roles with his wife.

    So what ever c**p the Society talks of equality and craps - they are the 1st one to shun the man if he treads on those ideologies, and all they would do is sit aside and add fuel to the fire and enjoy your family ruining.

  7. This is a very good question::: and the answer is NO. Why would ANY Indian man (who has it toooo good) trade places with his wife (who is the general dogsbody and slave of the house hold) Thankfully things in India are changing. Ask this question in 50 years time when the status of woman will be what it should be to be on a par with the rest of the world, and the answer will be YES.... The tables will turn and the man will become the dog. Can't wait!!!! I would LOVE to be there when it happens.. Yin and yang, nature, the way of the world, it had to come....

  8. mmm would u let her? do u wana rephrase that  

  9. Yes but i would use my v****a unlike her

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