
Would you trade your right to vote for an ipod?

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Would you trade your right to vote for an ipod?




  1. No.

  2. NEVER!!!

    And anyone that would, is too stupid to vote and doesn't deserve their chance at the ballot.

  3. No, I would not trade the right to vote because I know that my one vote could change my future for the better or worse.Although an i-pod sounds intriuging I would rather change my future (for the better)!

  4. a female it took way too much for us to get the vote and as an American...its my right and I'll keep it, kthxbai

  5. no, but i would for a Zune player.

    ps. only because john mccaine got no change of even getting the nomination.

  6. Can't and won't.

  7. What kind of iPod? The candidates don't look too promising. Its going to hurt no mater who gets elected in '08.

  8. no

    i wouldnt trade my right to vote for anything.

  9. politics don't interest me one bit and i already have ipod, id trade for iphone tho

  10. no, I would not, and you should not either. It is everyones right to vote.

  11. please dont give adolescents answers.

  12. Not a chance.  Too many people would die for the right to vote.  It is too important.

  13. Hippies would and that is a crying shame! Where on earth do liberals get their brains?

  14. Yes! I think. . .

  15. No.

    Maybe for my own island in the Caribbean, though...

    EDIT: "oh i see," is it possible to paint with a broader brush? The "hippie communist atheist" liberal stereotype is old and tired, just like the "Ted Haggard" conservative stereotype. Give it a rest.

  16. Sadly, many would.

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