
Would you travel alone overseas? Have you ever travelled alone overseas? Any tips?

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I'm in Brissie Australia and want to go to Prague and Scotland as well as Thailand. Any tips for travelling alone, is it likely to meet new people travelling this way or its just too weird?




  1. i have travelled to 47 countries, the last trip being vietnam, thailand and malaysia over 4 months. each trip i have travelled alone, but usually you will meet people on the way. also i find you meet more people if your alone. if its your first time travelling, i suggest that the scottish and prague trip would be good starters for you, have fun

  2. Im in the same position. I wont to do europe next year but all my mates dont have the money..

    Personally i dont think its weird at all. What everyone has told me is that you will meet heaps more people as you are forced to socialise more and you will become more confident. Also you get to do what u want to do when u want to do it. You don’t want to waste ur live waiting for other people to do things with you if u want to do it.

  3. I always travel alone, mainly because my husband's not interested in going overseas.  You'll be really surprised at the number of people, of all ages, both men and women, who regularly travel overseas alone.

    You'll meet up with people on the plane, on trains, in hotels and hostels, airports and railway stations, and no-one will think that you're weird.  In fact, many people travelling as couples or groups are quite envious of us people who can travel and do as we please without worrying about someone else.  

  4. i would travel alone if i had to (prefer not to but..) if you are going alone, send a msg everyday to you mum, /brother/ sister whoever saying what you are planning for the day. try to find someone to go with tho; you will most likely meet people over there or on the plane.

  5. Do it while you're young and have the guts to do it. I just got a plan and swanned off to Japan. Awesome times!

    Helps if you can have a job lined up before you go...

  6. Depending on where you go, a lot of people will try to scam you.  Be aware of your surroundings and don't tell people you meet that you are travelling alone.  Egypt is a wonderful place to travel and very safe for a woman travelling alone but buy yourself a cheap wedding ring before you go.  You will get hassled less if the local men think your husband is just around the corner.  Or try to hook up with others travelling in the same area.  We travelled around Egypt with a single woman who was travelling alone and the locals thought my husband had two wives.  They didn't hassle either of us women and were envious of the man with "two wives".

  7. I've travelled alone overseas a fair bit and love it - however I'm also a travel agent and am in the process of setting up a 'Solo Travellers Club' for people who want to trave but would like someone else to go with.  I'm on the Sunshine Coast so feel free to give me a call at work during business hours on 07-5445-8008 or email me on if you want to have a chat about travelling alone or meeting other people to travel with.

  8. Im from the UK and have travelled to prague and scotland and just spent 12 months travelling around asia, but im a male i think it is slightly different if your female especially in Thailand!

    Be careful keep your wits about you and dont put yourself in vulnerable situations around people you dont know.Keep regular contact with family via facebook or hotmail.

    never give over your passport for them to keep as any deposit,and watch out for cleaners in thailand they are thieves! split your money into different accounts so you have many cashpoint cards and dont have to rely on one because some do not work in some atms.Meet with people who are up for travelling with you as safety is in numbers and you can split the costs  GET THE LONELY PLANET!!!

    Have a wicked time it will change your life, i wish i was still travelling, go for it!


  9. I've traveled alone to a destination but there's always someone I know to meet me in the destination.  I wouldn't mind traveling overseas alone as long as thoroughly researched the area first.  I'd love to go to Europe to do that.

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