
Would you travel anywhere alone?

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i want to go to travel the world. I want to go to your australia, paris, greece, dominican republic, Japan, jamaica, mexico. EVERYWHERE. But i don't have anyone to go with. I am afraid to go alone. I am a 20 year old female. I'm in a position in my life where i can go wherever i want. I have money to do it too. if you were in my position would you do it? and if so how?




  1. I'd send your money to ME.  Via check

  2. i would rather have someone with me to keep me not bored

  3. Go...ask a friend to join and pay their way!

    I'll go!!

  4. nah, your a 20 year old girl im sure you could find someone 2 go with...I WOULD GO WITH YOU!!! haha.

  5. of course! why not? travelling alone can give a different experience. The real adventure is there. My aunt travelled to a lot of places around the globe alone. By that time, she was same as you are. She's got money to finance her expenses and is wanting to explore the world before settling down. It's called enjoying being single! Enjoy yourself travelling around the world. You'll see a whole lot of surprises when you do. Just always remember to be wise and witty. Be a street smart and trust yourself always.

    Although, it depends to the kind of person whether they would want to travel alone or with company. I just want you to know that travelling alone can be cool and adventurous too!Godbless!!!

  6. Certainly.. If you have money to roam around the world, you must definitely have money to hire bodyguard for safety in all countries... However, always do inform security agencies of the country you are visiting about your whereabouts and that you may need personal security to visit certain places.

  7. no right now with the economy you should just hold tight cause it was suck to be stuck in a foreign land. You sadly will never be invincible.

  8. When I was your age I traveled alone many times.  I hated waiting for someone to make up their mind to join me only to back out the last minute.  Mind you this was years ago when the world situation was not so gruesome with wars, bombings, and all that other scarey stuff.  I still travel by myself most of the time..agian. not waiting around for someone to make up their mind.  I have never regretted traveling when I did.  You just have to make some rules for yourself and use comon sense...if you want to talk somemore about the dos and don'ts for traveling alone I will help you as much as I can...just send me a message.

  9. Well if I were you i would,but find a friend to go with,its boring when youre alone

  10. I'll be flying to canada from turkey next weekend,on my own.

    My greatest dream is to travel around the world,earn money in a place i went to go to another and so on..

    I wish i was in your shoes :)

    maybe youll find an exotic man on your way and complete your journey with him;)

  11. I've traveled alone to a few countries and a couple places in the U.S. alone and I had a good time but I always recommend traveling with someone else or with a tour group.  It can get a bit scary to travel alone, especially being a young female.  I've had some freaky moments.   Really do your homework about certain places and their safety and as always, be a safe and cautious traveler but not so cautious that you don't have fun.

  12. I would not suggest going alone. I have been to MANY countries but would never go alone. I would suggest going with a tour group.

  13. Go with a tour group.  That way, you will have people watching out for you and even making travel arrangements, but you can still be independent.  Bon Voyage!

  14. i would do it but i would most likely take a friend. it makes it that much more enjoyable to share it with someone

  15. do it,

    but be careful, don't do anything dangerous, if you have nobody to go with you cannot let that be the deterent to stopping you. just be careful and watch your back and have the experience of your life.

    good luck

  16. You should do it. Live life while you can!

    I wish I could have the guts (and money)

    but I'm a chicken.

    I don't speak english fluently and I don't like speaking in english to strangers so... I'll never happen..

  17. go to singles travel they have holidays for people going alone and everyone there all meets up with a tour guide and travel the country

  18. Plan to travel with a friend for safety!!

  19. I'll go with you if you have the money to pay my

    seriously, I wouldn't have done it at your age, but now I would in a heartbeat. My friend did it and she stayed in hostels and dorm like places. I'm not sure how she knew where to find out about them. She said she also worked on farms for her keep in New Zealand and other places . I think that's really cool and I think she was brave. Have fun if you go and be careful and be safe :)

  20. dont go alone, you are a 20 yr old girl, bad things happen when girls travel alone, go with a tour group or take a few friends DO NOT GO ALONE!

  21. As a young, single woman... h**l no. I'd travel to some places alone, but surely not anywhere.

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