
Would you travel to phuket thailand alone??? ?

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im 18 male




  1. I am a 50 year old lady and have travelled all over Thailand by myself. My husband has a lot of work over there, and if he is too busy i just take off alone.

    Never had any problem, just be as sensible as you would be any else in the world, and you shouldn't have any problem.

    Good luck and happy travels. x*x

  2. Yes I would!!! Once you arrived at Patong Beach / Bangla Street! you will be transported to England or New England in summer! You would not notice the different!!!!

  3. Lots of kids in your age bracket do travel safely in Thailand and have a good time.  Then there is a small minority who are wise asses and dopers who get in trouble.  When you get in trouble with dope or do some stupid thing in Thailand the punishment can be severe!  Mommy and daddy can't bail you out and make things good!

    If you are selective of who you travel with and don't do stupid things you will do okay.    But, if your friends are dopers and are always doing stupid stuff you may get caught up with them and end up in big trouble.

    Can you do it alone - yes - I did it, when I was your age I was living overseas.    Read up on Thailand and plan your moves.  Don't waste all of your time at a beach!   Phuket is not the cheapest place to see if money is a factor.  Lots of countries have beaches - if you only want to be at a beach you can do it cheaper at home!   See other areas of Thailand!   All of Thailand is warm you  do not have to be at a beach to get a tan!  

    Read some of the info on the travel forums at the bottom for specifics.  You have to plan your budget out, decide when you can go and for how long.  How much you can spend on a hotel or hostel will determine what place you stay at.   Allow for food, entertainment, tours and souvenirs.  Most tourists stop in Bangkok first and then find transportation to Phuket or other areas.  Bangkok is worth a visit!  

    Keep in touch with your family often using the internet shops.  Lots of internet shops all over Thailand - no reason to bring a laptop, especially if you are staying in really cheap places!  If something gets stolen from you in a hostel blame your fellow roommates first!

    When people in your age group get in trouble it is usually because they got drunk and did stupid stuff or they got caught with dope!   The type of friends you travel with can make a good trip better - travel with bums and you get in trouble!

    Good luck.

  4. I'm here backpacking alone.

    I'm a girl and I'm doing fine.

    If you have common sense then you'll be fine :)

  5. I think it's perfectly fine! I spent a  lot of time alone there and had no problem at all. Just use common sense and lock up your valuables when you leave your room. Muggings like in the US are very rare and it's easy to feel safe there. Just relax and enjoy your trip :)

  6. Sure!

    Just avoid biking from Rawai Beach upnorth to Karon/Kata/Patong areas after dark.

  7. No! I would take my lovely Thai wife with me, to show up all those big fat tourists.

  8. i am 17 and have been in phuket is safe.i would die to get there alone again.

  9. h**l yes!!! It might make a man out of you!!!!

  10. I am a girl. I moved out of my house and lived with roomates at age 12. I moved to a foriegn country and travelled around the world alone at age 16.

    Gain so much experience--good and bad. Enjoy every moments with no regrets. Nobody kills me yet :)

  11. shouldn't be a problem!!  Even though Phuket is a very safe place to visit, there are certain basic rules that visitors should follow.

    Avoid wandering into non-tourist areas at nighttime, especially alone.  For that matter, traveling alone at night, in unfamiliar areas is not recommended. Getting robbed is extremely rare, but take precautions in order to stay on the safe side.

    Don’t carry around large amounts of money, and avoid wearing expensive jewelry or looking too flashy.  Drawing un-needed attention to yourself is simply asking for trouble.  Try to blend into the crowd instead of sticking out.

    If staying in budget accommodation, make sure that the outside door has a proper lock, and the windows can be secured.  If in doubt about the safety of a room, do not leave valuables behind, or choose another place to stay.  Another option for storing valuables is checking them in

    with the front desk or, but make sure to obtain an itemized receipt.   There are many options for accommodation on the island, so choose one that feels safe and secure.  Don’t be afraid to leave a place.

    If you need more info about Phuket, try this .    

  12. There are large bands of 5'4" barefoot men running around with skull and crossbone bandanas on there head, with a dirk gripped in there teeth and eyepatches drinking rum from a hollowed out skull.  You will be able to identify them because even thought they speak a foreign language they seem to use the word skervy (not scurvy)skervy.  Beware beware beware!!!

    OH sorry I thought this was YA Philippines.

  13. Yes, I happier travelling alone ,go wherever I like so long you don't ask for trouble.

  14. I have travelled in many places but feel safest here in Thailand, I came for a holiday in 1987 and never went home again. I have visited most parts of Thailand sometimes alone, sometimes with others. Being female you need to be more careful about dress, and generally be careful of going off with strangers. In 20 years of living in Phuket I have never felt threatened or in danger, the Thai people are wonderfully friendly and very considerate, and you should always be respectful of them and their culture, try speaking a few Thai words and you'll see them smile!

    My general advice is to be sensible, don't carry too many valuables, and don't take any risks that you wouldn't take at home. Avoid the drug scene and any other illegal or immoral activities, leave your worries at home and enjoy yourself.

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