
Would you travel (vacation) to a foreign country by yourself?

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Or do you think it's better to have someone with you?




  1. I wouldn't but Im a girl, and personally I just don't think it save if you are traveling out of the us/canada. Personally, I think its more fun when you travel with friends. I almost went by myself (kind of) to Greece this summer, but it was a group travel thing, so it was safe, and luckily, my friend decided to go with me last minute. If you really want to go somewhere out of country, and you don't have anyone to go with you, maybe you should try EF CollegeBreak. They are who my friend and I used for our trip to Greece, and it was amazing with her, but looking back, if she had not have joined me, it would have been fine anyway since everyone made friends anyway. I have their discount code too if you want to use them, its hesseln1188 and it gets you $50 off any trip. I hope this helped.

  2. I did it - just don't take chances or go out at night and most of all be aware. It was a blast  I found nice people and families to travel with  over there. I'm female too!

  3. Im from the US and went to prague by myself last november. im 25 and a female. it was AWESOME. i love to travel and run around and see as much as possible. i managed to do everything i wanted to do and had no time constraints, no one to fight with, and best of all i felt so great after i had done it on my own. its not as fun to eat alone, but honesty i really enjoyed the time with myself and just seeing prague was unbelievable.

    i think europe is totally do-able alone. asian countries might be safer with someone else accompanying you (if youre female)

  4. i'd always bring someone if i ever leave the country

  5. it depends on where im going i think. like to a well known country such as canada, or englan,  or mexico, or greece.. i'd feel comfortable going alone, it might not be as much fun, but i wouldnt mind. if i was going to like hungary or the czech republic or something...i'd def. NOT go alone!

    but its always fun to bring a friend.

  6. It depends, but yes.  I've travelled to Europe by myself and met up with a friend in Amsterdam before both of us going to Russia.  Other times I've gone with friends overseas and come back by myself.

    I guess it depends on what you are planning on getting out of the trip and what accomodations you are going to make.  Lots of times it's harder to get others to do what you want to do or visit where you want to visit.

    Also, many hotels charge you more for a room if you are by yourself as opposed to booking with a partner.

  7. In about 2 years I plan on traveling alone. (Germany, Ghana & Maybe Philippines) all my friends & family say "World Wide Travel" is to dangerous. LOL and no one well travel with me.

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