
Would you trust someone you had only met once to take care of your child?

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That's exactly what John McCain is doing to the nation.




  1.   We have a 5 month old and I wouldn't leave him with anyone except myself or my wife. But the analogy doesn't hold up here. The president and VP are not babysitters and we are not children.  

  2. well we all let this happen every time we vote ne one into ne office for we've never met ne of them or kno the truth bout who these politicians r we here a lil speech bout this or that and think hmm this guy sounds just like me or we hear ne off the wall thing bout some candidate like him bein the antichrist and we decide oh that sounds bad but in the end all politicians r fakes and liars and will say and do w.e they hve to so they r elected its all a theatrical production  


  4. **Palin's Experience**

    City Council 1992-1996:  Elected for two terms (4 years)

    Mayor: 1996-2002  Elected for two terms, (4 years)  Also elected president of the Alaska Conference of Mayors

    Ethics Commissioner: 2003-2004 (1 year) Governor Murkowski appointed Palin Ethics Commissioner of the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission.  She resigned in protest over what she called the "lack of ethics" of fellow Alaskan Republican leaders.

    Governor:  2006-2008 (2 years)

    Palin:  Grand total of 11 years in service to elected/appointed positions.  

    Palin GOVERNED for six years as mayor and Governor.

    Obama:  Grand total of 9 years in service in elected positions.  As Senator (state and federal) his job was to talk about policies, propose policies, and vote on policies.  NO EXPERIENCEWITH GOVERNING -- AT ALL!!!!!!!)

  5. Absolutly not!!!! No explanation even needed for this answer

  6. Yes I know, but the stubborn republicans won't let anything pass through their knuckleheads ..

  7. This is not a very smart question.  Employers hire employees without knowing them previously.

  8. I wouldn't allow any of Jeremiah Wright's parishioners to care for my child either.

  9. I've never met Obama at all...So, I guess I shouldn't trust him...Is that your point?

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