
Would you trust teens to take children to an amusement park?

by Guest45350  |  earlier

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Would you trust teens to take children to an amusement park?




  1. I would say that it depends of then age of the teen and the age of the kid. I am 19...technically a teen and I bring my little sister (9) in all the time. It also depends on the maturity of the teen and how well the kids listen to the teen! My sister also goes in with my brother who is 14 and there are no issues...but my brother is also very mature for his age.

  2. As long as they're responsible. Plus, the children must prove that they'll listen to the teen.

  3. no you never know who is out there and they could steal the kid out of now where!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. The whole experience depends on the teen's responsibility I have been to the Amusement park with my 16 year old brother while I was 11 and he is very responsible and reliable.

  5. im a teen im 14 and i wouldnt trust me or anyteen with a kid at an anmuesment park. we as teens get to distracted and would lose the kid.

  6. I would trust myself but it depends on the teen I guess. As long as they are responsible, then yes I suppose

  7. As a 14 year old I'd say yes because my mom allowed me to and nothing went wrong. My mom made me call her every two hours to check in.

  8. if it's a babysitter u hire no...if it's ur own kid of ur niece or nephew go for it...but no babysitters!

  9. as long as its teenagers you no yes.. we can be very fun people

  10. yeah if the teen has shown me he/she can be responsible...numerous times...nah, nevermind, i wouldnt take that chance

  11. it depends if the teen is responsible.

    if they are of course.

    i dont see any reason to not.

  12. Nope not at all no way !!!!!! Teens are crazy and will definitely lose the child, no doubt.

  13. Never!!!!!!!! Teens are irresponsible

  14. no. in the outside he might be a really nice, responsible, teen but in the inside they- i mean you never know... so if i were you i wouldn't

  15. Well it depends if you think there responsible enough some teens are not..  some all they care about are boys, and ipods, and checking cell phones,  and the hottest rides ,i know i go with my sister and her friends sometimes and know how they act ....... but if there responsible yes i would some teens are responsible and will worry more about the kids interest then there  own....... but do we really know in our hearts  that there really responsible or just acten that way i would be a Lil skeptical .......

  16. LOL.

    if parents lose their own kids at amusement parks, teens will lose kids, and themselves, so no. have an adult with the kids.

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