
Would you trust this site?

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  1. They're almost certainly a fraud. At best, they're paying you to go take surveys, thereby delivering faulty data to the surveying companies. At worst, they're up to something even seedier.

  2. I don't trust those websites that promise you money from taking online surveys because in the past I tried numerous sites and you may get a survey or two a week which offer credit towards a voucher and the ones that do offer you cash offer around 50cents or so per survey and you may not always qualify to take them.

    I’ve tried a lot of “get rich quick” schemes over the years on the internet and there is no such thing I’m afraid, however I came across this free marketing system that actually does work and yes you can earn money from it but you do have to work at it. Give the following link a read and see if it’s for you.  Best of luck.

  3. I quite liked your site to be honest, the only thing I'd advise you to put information about your website or what you offer on the homepage. The only reason I knew what your site was about because I read previous answers.

    Make an introduction to your site and ask visitors to join by completing the form.

    Well done.

  4. No way.  This site looks worse than most of the online survey type scams because they ask for your postal address and phone number as well as DOB, way too much personal information.

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