
Would you trust your own kids to Sarah Palin?

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During her very first speech as VP, she recklessly endangered her son's life (as well as his future comrades) by publicly stating when, where, and how he is going to be dispatched to Iraq. She made him a living target for every Al-Kaida terrorist over there. (minute 7:30)

This is why Biden never gives any details about his son going to Iraq.

Sarah obviously didn't mean any harm. More likely, she had NO IDEA what she was doing which is way more scary. Is this someone you want to see commanding a US Army and protecting your kids future?




  1. I can promise you that she has no idea where her son is really going to be.  You go where you're sent when you are assigned to Iraq.

    My son was there.

  2. That was wreckless...but everyone makes mistakes! Palin, hopefully doesn't make them too often.

  3. She needs to go to running her local PTA.  

  4. yes

  5. YES

    I do not have and children.

    If I did I would most assuredly trust them to Sarah Palin.

    Sarah Palin is a breath of fresh air.

    She has already done what Obama just talks about - CHANGE.

    McCain / Palin  ' 08

    Sarah Palin will be the first woman elected to the White House as V.P.

    Sarah Palin will be the first Woman President in 2012.

  6. She sure can watch my kids. I think if anyone tried to mess with her son, she'd grab her shotgun and go off and hunt them down. And the terrorists, seeing her coming, would beg for mercy and concede defeat.  

  7. The son is old enough to make his own decisions.

  8. "On September 11th, Trac will be deploying to Iraq..."

    Wow...she told the enemy that troops would be coming to Iraq....that's got to be some great intel for them.

    Now that we've established just exactly who and what YOU are....should you be trusted to watch over your own kids?

    Wait...I scraped them off the walls of your uterus before they could become an inconvenience.

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