
Would you turn your child in if they commit murder?

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Would you turn your child in if they commit murder?




  1. yes, if it was murder i would in a heartbeat !! i would have raised the child better than that..knowing the difference between right and wrong !!  self-defense would be another story.

  2. no Id help bury the body

  3. nopeee... ur child is ur child.. ur own flesh and blood... stay side by side with them... don't turn them in.... hav a long long long talk with them..... and possibly watch after them very closely for now on....

  4. Yes,  you should do the right thing and turn him in . And you will have to live with that for the rest of your lifetime. We had a similar situation with a less serious crime. It was the hardest thing we ever had to do. Its called tough love.

  5. Yes, in a heart beat. My child or not they have to face up to the consequences. Tho I would back them up if the reasoning for doing so was good. Like self defense.

  6. yes unfortunately, would break my heart, but i would try to encourage him to turn himself in 1st and hope the justice system would look on him favourably for being honest

  7. yes i definately would. murder is murder and as much as it would hurt, it is the right thing to do

  8. Honestly, i think it would depend on the circumstances.

  9. Definately.. it would be very hard and sad for me knowing my child has done such an evil thing.. but the fact that they have ruined a family doesn't make their crime right... and as hard as it is for me to admit my childs a murderer and needs to deal with the consequence.

  10. Yes I would I would not harbor my criminal child

  11. Yes, and it would break my heart.

  12. yes in a blink of a eye if they do it once and get away with it  then wot to stop them carrying on again... if its self defence  then  he will be ok

  13. Yes, but I couldn't turn my back on them.

    They are my children, like my Husband, for better or for worse, threw the good times and the bad.

    They certainly would hear how disappointed I was, and as my Husband knows I can go on a lot.

    It would take a lot of getting over, but I couldn't turn my back on my boys.

  14. Hmmm. Tricky. I would encourage them to turn themselves in and take responsibility for their own actions.

    I pray I'm never in that situation though.

  15. This is the hardest question i have ever answered.. i do not know until that situation ever came around..

    At the moment i would say yes as i think that i have brought her up correctly and she must learn right from wrong and also know i have done it for her own would break my heart to see her do time for murder and she would probally hate me for ever but children have to learn the hard way sometimes..and as usual the parents are the ones who would suffer the most wondering if they had done the right thing or not.

    If you commit the crime you must do the time is what i always say. But things shouldn't come to this and i am a big believer in bringing back corpral punishment in schools. pump, strap ruler and cane never did us any harm....

  16. Yes I would. I just hope to God I'll have instilled the morals in my child so that she can appreciate the value of human life.

  17. Yes I would. I would encourage them to turn them self in first and offer that if it is to hard that I will come with them to the station. Murder is murder if he/she did it in self defense then there is nothing to worry about. If there was an intent to kill then he/she will serve some time. I would always support them though no matter what they did.

  18. Murder? As in they cold-bloodedly killed somebody? Yes. If they killed someone while committing another crime? Yes.

    The big question is "why would I?" and the answer isn't just all altruistic "they have to take responsibility" stuff.

    1. If my child killed someone then they are in a very bad place in every possible way. They are at risk of having terrible things done to them---and of doing terrible things to others. Prison is a better place for them.

    2. My responsibility. This is my child who has done something---the child I brought into the world and raised. I  recognize the fact that THEY made the decision to murder and are responsible for it, but I am also responsible for creating them and I could not allow them to kill again or hurt anyone else.

  19. Yes. But it would be the hardest thing I ever had to due. No one likes to think that they raised a killer. No mother should ever have to go threw it. But I'm teaching my kids "you do the crime you do the time". At this point they are not old enough to actually commit a crime but I'm using it for when they are bad (the get time out they are only toddlers).

  20. it would be hard turning your own child in but that would be a definite yes. if they have done wrong they have to suffer the consequences

  21. right now I would want to say 'YES', but in that moment.... Maybe I would want to help them. "the system" is flawed in many ways and can build a complex in the criminal, enforcing that they are bad and they carry a stigma forever and never get respected again in by doctors, counsellors, etc.... The rehabilitation system and the prision system work against each other and..... OH I DON'T KNOW! Here I am thinking it through. I would hope so. I am pretty sure I would! Yes, I think I would. Yes! Of course. It is murder!

  22. I think this is a question about "criminal justice" and "parental love."  Which is more important to have in this world?  

    The child will feel the ultimate pain if a parent turn him/her in.  And with so much pain, I don't think s/he would turn out to be a better person after the jail term.  

    Would you turn your parent in?  Would you turn your spouse in?  Would you turn yourself in?

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