
Would you use a site that offered free, personal tarot readings?

by  |  earlier

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Well, I've been doing tarot for a few years now and I feel I don't get enough practice doing it just for the people I know. Creating a free site would be an interesting learning experience... but pointless if nobody is interested in using it!

*By personal, I mean, you fill a short form out with your question, I will do the reading and send an interpretation back. Not computer-generated.

My questions:

- Would you use the site? If not, why not? (besides you "don't believe in Tarot")

- What would you like the site to have?

- If you found your reading accurate, do you think you'd become a "regular"?

- Would you rather it simple and professional looking, or personal and "cosy"? (Sorry if that doesn't make sense)

... Thanks for your help!




  1. yes i would try it and follow if the reading is accurate. I checked out satgurus site, its not free! so when u say free it has to be no money involved!

    Could you send me ur email id or email me, i wud love to get a free tarot reading from u now..u ll get some practice and i ll get some answers.. !

  2. Yes I would use your site. If I found your reading to be accurate I would most defiantly become a regular. I think I would rather it were "personal and cozy."

    Send me an email when your site is up and running!

    Blessed Be! )O(

  3. well, I think there are a lot of people who will use it, there is ALWAYS people looking for a free reading, so it would be good, be prepared when the site takes off with getting swamped with emails and questions....

    to your questions,

    I may or may not use it, I usally do my own readings, or have a friend do them for me, but i do like to find new people to read for me, so i dont know

    not sure what i would like the site to have.... links about tarot, maybe small lessons on tarot, different layouts of it, a link for a store for tarot....

    if i found the reading accurate, i would come back, a lot of people may come back even if not, there are people who are addicted to those things

    i would make it professional, but yet with a personal touch. want to make people feel peaceful

    try like peaceful colors


  4. Hello

    I have my own site & forum & we offer free guidance.

    If it is free you will get interest, but also a lot of time wasters who refuse to listen, so you will have to be firm with guildlines etc.

    Have a look at mine, it may give you some ideas & of course you can join if you wish.

    Good luck! x


  5. Its just images printed on cardboard.  They don't tell you a d**n thing.

  6. yep i would definitely try it. if u make one please let me know the address .thanks.. i believe in tarot but i dont want to pay for it. if my reading is accurate yea of course i will become a regular.. personal and cosy.. will make me feel comfortable and trust the site

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