
Would you use an ethical spider catcher,...?

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  1. No,I use a cup and a piece of paper or just let them crawl onto my hand.It's cheaper and works just as well. And,I would think that those bristles might actually hurt some of the more delicate spiders,break their legs or something.

    Oh,and a vacuumed spider is a dead spider.

  2. Yes I would use this.

    I am going to order one of these.

    I live in an English basement apartment so you know I see a spider coming through once in a while by me being in the basement.I really hate to break out that bug spray and kill them.

    So I will be purchasing one of these and then I will just put the little guys outside where they belong.

    I am an animal lover.Animals have rights too.And they're God's creatures just like we are.

    I will be ordering one of these.

  3. That device looks pretty good, if it performs as advertised.  Easier (and more expensive) than putting a glass over it and carrying it out.

    At my house, the cats catch the spiders; I haven't had many since I lost my allergy to cats...

  4. probably coz i cannot kill them...dead spiders probably worse than alive ones...i hate people killing them. do they not realise they just stick to the floor...i normally just hoover up them though and try to think that they don't die when it happens

  5. Ummm, two finger then flick em out the door.

  6. no...thats insanity. spiders are spiders. just step on them.

  7. No, a little more expensive than a piece of cardboard and a plastic cup.  But I can see its value to people who wish to keep 2' away from the spider.

  8. I've never used one of those, but I have used devices similar to this one

    I would prefer the spider catcher I linked because it is less likely to damage the spider.  It's also much cheaper.

    In general though, I usually leave spiders alone if I find them in my house.  They perform a valuable service in pest elimination themselves, and I've only ever been bit by one spider ever in my life, and that was one I was holding in my hand for a long time, and her leg got caught between my fingers.

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