
Would you use another child's middle name as your child's first name?

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I love a certain boys name but its also the name of my good friends sons middle name. Would you still use the name as your childs first name?




  1. If you really love the name, I don't see why not!

  2. My husbands mothers name was Lillian and his sister named her daughter Lilly. I have a daughter and her middle name is Lilly-Ann. So they are cousins and my daughters middle name is her cousins first name

  3. I would!  

  4. Yes, I would ask her first so she wont think you "stole" it, people are so stupid about "their" kids names these days, like they have them copyrighted or something.  But, tell her that the name is one you have liked for years, and you would really like to name your child that.  If she says no, then say, sorry I am anyway, thanks.   :)

  5. Yes - my child, I get to pick the name

    I would use the same name as my cousins baby

    I would use the same middle name (and did!) as my sister-in-laws child

    I would most definitely use the middle name of my best friends child as my child's first name - Especially if this is a name that I have loved since before the relationship/child/etc. or if the name is common enough that plenty of other people out there are using it also (hey, if they can use it, so can I!)

    What is the name, btw?

  6. yeah of coarse.. unless you friend has a really big problem with it.. ask your friend if she doesnt mind it go for it..espically if you love the name. and also its the kids middle name so i dont think it would be that big of an issue!!  good luck!! ( =

  7. I sure would!  Go for it!  

  8. I don't have any kids but I wouldn't use my friends' or my cousins' children's names for my future kids' names. It's better to be unique. However, I wouldn't mind naming my future kids after a really good friend or a dead relative like my late grandfather.

  9. Absolutely!  Just don't make your friend's child's first name your child's middle name.  That would be weird.

  10. With my friends and family we seem to pass around names.  We have a lot of John's, Michaels and Barbara's in the family.  I do have a nephew named Dominick and that is my sons middle name.  I see no problem in it, i find it flattering if someone likes a name i picked well enough to use it in their own childs name.  

  11. yes, its not like they own the name! lol

    i say go for it if you like it that much.

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