
Would you voluntarily reproduce with an extraterrestrial for a ride in his spaceship?

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Would you voluntarily reproduce with an extraterrestrial for a ride in his spaceship?




  1. I think we all have done it at some point in our lives. And they never call back. Not even a telepathic message.

  2. I'm keen!

  3. Nooooooo.......

    Thanks anyway....

  4. If she looked like Milla Jovovich / Leeloo I'd be happy just playing with the radio buttons.

  5. As long as it's not greek with ET.

  6. Long as I can do anything I want.  Love, honey

  7. Now that's something for my brag book!

    Beam me up, I'm beamed up & ready.

  8. My "bung hole" ain't going anywhere on 'his' spaceship, no matter how pimped out. Now, if 'he' has a cute daughter...........  RScott

  9. No I don't think so.... Lol...

  10. As long as it was female. They'd probably trick me though. That'd make them an "extra-birrestrial".

  11. How convenient you should ask this.

  12. oh penfold, that's loooow.

  13. Do I get to play the role of the Butch?

  14. Why not? If its good enough for your mum its good enough for me.

  15. Hon, for a ride in that spaceship, I would voluntarily repopulate his entire planet!

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