
Would you vote Bush for a third presidential period?

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Let's just think that Bush its a candidate again and there is a posibility for a third presidential period, would you vote for him again? and why?. majority of votes win with the best explanation. If you like this question please give me a star.




  1. Good grief, what a frightening idea. He has all but ruined this country. The economy is terrible, inflation has destroyed the dollar, jobs have gone overseas, the war goes on, and corruption is everywhere.  

  2. Yes but I would like to see more honesty in all our elected officials more real true American Spirit... we need some of Ronald Reagan, Harry Truman General George Patton in our leaders... greed for power and personal gain sadly pathetically is governing many of our elected officials. There is dishonesty, deception, and God knows what all... i dont want a republican or a democrat... i want an honest congress a responsible bunch of leaders who have the spine to stand up for what is right ... i wonder if they thought about the kind of scummy America they are manufacturing by their lies and con jobs and leaving for their children... your oil deals with those turbin bastar.s for your own gain with cook your own goose eventually. May God somehow reach your heart before you kick the bucket!

  3. YES!

  4. Yes.

  5. Voting for him twice was enough for me.  It's Ron Paul as a Repbulican write in or Libertarian Bob Barr this time around. This is why:

  6. Heck no.  I didn't vote for him the first two times.

  7. no

    I'm pretty unhappy with myself for voting for him the first two times, given what he has done to our constitution, our economy, and with our military.

  8. That guy makes me SICK!  After all he has put our country through.

    Killing our innocent men...nothing irriates me more, but if i had the chance to ask him one question, it would have to be this...."Why doesn't he put his children on the front line to be blown away and then, he will know how it feels"?  WTC was a farce.  


  10. Absolutely not.  I would never vote for any man for a 3rd term.  One of the beautiful things about the US system is that 2 term limitation keeps any man from potential dictatorship.  It is one of the things that limits his or her powers.

  11. no

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