
Would you vote for Labour if Brown was to step down as PM

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  1. No. Last time I voted Labour was in 1992.

    They have gone after the centre ground of British politics and are no different to the Lib Dems or Tories any more.

    Another danger is that the far-right BNP, who pretend to be left wing to get popular support, may get the odd seat on your council, if enough people fall for their lies.

    Labour were formed to represent the working class in Parliament. We need, unfortunately, to start again from scratch. Get involved, wherever you are, to build an open, democratic, left-wing alternative to Labour, because otherwise there will be no real choice come election time. The trade unions need to stop backing Labour and back a new party that will fight against privatisation, for decent public services and for decent pay. (see source)

  2. maybe i could be persuaded x

  3. Hey Falk, , don't be shy, ..just tell it like it

    New Labour conned me once..(1997)

    They NEVER conned me a second time, nor the third and They wont again in 2010.

    So, in answer to your question, NO, I will not vote for labour no matter who is the leader.

  4. As an admirer of 'Old Labour' despite their faults, I will never vote for the lying hypocrites in this government.

  5. No.

    Simple as that.

    It would take more than a new leader to make Labour back into a party I would consider voting for.

    The day John Smith died was the end of the Labour Party that I might have even considered voting for. Because the party Tony Blair and Gordon Brown made is not the same as the one John Smith led.

    The real problem anyone in England really has is this.

    You've got one realistic alternative, and it's the Conservatives.

    Does anyone really believe they'll be better, or is everyone on here either too young or too nostalgic to remember just how bad the last Conservative government was?

    Glad I'm Scottish in Scotland, frankly. We won't vote Tory. Or Labour, next time. It's the SNP who're going to pick up the votes, mainly. The Tories will get some, and the Lib Dems will get some. Labour will be lucky to be the third party in Scottish politics after the next general election.

    Sad to see the passing of the Labour MP from Fife just the same. Apparently he was a man with cross party respect, which is a rare beast in the current political landscape, but his will be another seat gone to another party. In this case it might well be the Lib Dems, but it'll be a three way fight between Labour, the Lib Dems and the SNP.

  6. No, the complete lot of them are morons!  

  7. Good grief no! Labour have conned us once too often, never again!

    The EU referendum and the 10p tax fiasco are two that spring to mind.

  8. Absolutely !NOT!

  9. No.  I'm sick of Labour.  I'm sick of them giving handouts to scroungers and layabouts, and making the rich richer whilst the low paid hard working Brit gets taxed to death and generally sh*t on from a great height.

    You work your guts out and Labour wants to take it from you.

  10. depends on who replaces him

  11. it doesn't matter who is in the drivers seat.

    they are all legal thief's.

    And with bags of new promises

    that never appear

    The british public are just here to be milked

    By all and any MPs

    they are all liers

    and as for labour they have also sold our English ID.

    And history

    SO on reading this i think you know my Answer.


  12. No.

    Not even if h**l freezes over.

  13. No.  Labour spend too much money on giving away benefits, I don't really agree with that.  Plus, they are too 'nice' to everyone, they'll bend over backwards to appear as a caring country, when all too often its us that are paying for it.

  14. Never in a million years. Don't have a left wing bone in my body.

  15. No.  Brown is I think the most capable in a pretty uninspiring bunch.  A pity really, since I think he has a fine mind, and some sound prudent principles, but is hamstrung by the whole New Labour agenda, the stupidity of the British electorate and world circumstances beyond his control.

    If anyone with influence in the Labour Movement can answer my question to my satisfaction, then yes I might vote Labour, Brown or no Brown.

  16. Vote for them anyway, anything but the Tory crooks, the anti Christ of Robin hood. Have you noticed all these bigoted slime balls have smelled a lettuce or a hosta and are slithering from beneath their mossy stones, to where they have been exiled 12 yrs ago.

  17. The last ever time I voted new labour was 97 - never again.

  18. absolutely not! that party is guilty of THE worst case of back-stabbing treachery & treason against their own class & kind. they have proven themselves to be at least as bad, if not worse, to & for the working - middle classes of this country (i.e. people who have to actually WORK for a living, rather than leech off the state, like welfare sponges, junkies, crims & "the landed & titled gentry/nobility") than thatcher & her gestapo ever were. at least we knew thatcher & the tories

    hated us. we expected labour to AT LEAST! make some token gesture re. looking after our interests. instead, we got yoked with a "party" (read, "nest") of blatant thieves,liars, crooks, swindlers & parasites. vote for them? only if i was voting to have them hung, drawn & quartered. & the rest of the current plague of uk politicians are no better. there isn't ONE worth the air it needs to be kept alive.

    we have the tories (xenophopic right-wingers. watered down neo n***s. the "establishment" face of BNP/NF/C18 etc)

    new labour (tories in disguise)

    liberals (who, along with the various so-called "socialist" parties, want to scrap any & all forms of national defence & criminal justice/penitentiary incarceration. we are all supposed to give each other little pink flowers while cuddling into our soft & fluffy little bunny-wunnies)

    we have the far right parties (BNP/UKIP etc) knuckle-dragging throwbacks & hitler wannabes who think the GREATEST crime you can commit is to be born other than white anglo-saxon english. do we really want a "fuhrer"? has auschwitz, belsen or dachau got any place in 21st century britain?

    we need a 3rd viable option of & for the decent, honest & hard-working folk of this country. GENUINELY sick/disabled etc also taken care of. the lazy can starve in the gutter with the rest of the vermin. the criminal should be given 2 choices. leave this island within 48 hours or be hunted down & shot like the rabid dogs they FREELY & WILFULLY CHOOSE to emulate.

  19. No.

    The wood in the house is rotten,

    the foundations are crumbling

    the roof is leaking

    the windows are broken

    the fire is out

    the electricity has been cut off.

    So will a l**k of paint make any difference?

  20. No. Never will I vote Labour as long as this Neo Labour experiment runs. Only when they get back to the basics of caring for people and not being dictatorial and distant will they ever get another chance.

    The Cult of Tony Blair has ruined a once great party and shattered its ideals.

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