
Would you vote for Palin just because she is a woman??

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Would you vote for Palin just because she is a woman??




  1. h**l no

  2. sure just like most of the African Americans are voting Obama for that very reason at last count it was 98% so i see no difference in voting Palin just for that reason  

  3. Nope and I wont vote for obama either, this election seems to becoming more and more of a joke.

  4. i dont think women chose Hilllary just cause shes a women they choose her cause shes a Demo

    so no cause many women have sided with Demos

    and there a big gap between Demos and Reps

  5. No, I won't vote just because she's a woman.  But I'm a little nervous that she's a mom to such a young child - a full time job in itself.

  6. No, that is pathetic.  I will vote McCain/Palin because she's the best Republican out there who will help clean up Washington.

    Plus she's my governor and I like her a lot.

  7. nope.  But I think McCain made a great choice

  8. No.

    On that basis I'd vote for my aunt Patty. She's scary.

  9. No , I was voting McCain regardless. I will vote McCain/ Palin happily though because I think she adds to the ticket and was a great choice.  

  10. no, i didnt vote for hillary either.

  11. no, I vote on issues! Obama got my vote!

  12. No she's still a republican. The party that let Bush run things

  13. Are you really sure that she is a woman ???  Has anybody checked ??

  14. No, I'd vote for her because I am impressed with her character and record.  

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