
Would you vote for a candidate who believes murder is socially acceptable?

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Obama is all for the murdering of unborn babies. Please liberals, all scientist and doctors agree an embryo is life.




  1. all scientist and doctors agree an embryo is life.

    Oh Really, I think you're another wack job making up their own rules as to what constitutes life

    Sorry but many of us completely disagree with you and I really don't see how what a woman does with HER body is your freaking business

  2. Murder is in the mind of the beholder.

  3. How can neos claim to love unborn babies but hate living ones.

    However I hate abortion!  

  4. If you believe to take a life with intent is murder, then I assume you are against capital punishment, war, self-defense shootings, police killing the bad guys - all these are intentional.

    And yes, I will only vote for candidates who preserve my right to chose.

    No one will dicate my reproductive rights.

    (Emal2me - awesome answer)

    Obama-Biden 08

  5. We don't need McCain a good soldier running this country but a wise leader like Barrack Obama 2008  

  6. I could vote for somebody was for the war in Iraq yeah.

    War is murder and murder is fun!

  7. Randi Rhodes is right--you're all obsessed with embryos but you don't care about people!  Like children dying of lack of medical care, proper nutrition, or getting their limbs blown off or skin melted off in wars--that's their problem and "collateral damage!"

  8. Never. Pro choice people talk about women's rights. They don't think about the baby at all. It's not even proven that a fetus at 8 weeks doesn't feel pain. The way they kill these babies is horrible. When there is an option of adoption, the abortion is really for the convenience of the parents. I guess they're somehow able to live with their decision, but I would never vote for a president that wants to make abortion at any stage and for any reason easy to obtain.  

  9. All scientists agree?  Please.  

    What matters is whether the courts believe a fetus is a person in the legal sense.  And they don't.

  10. All scientist and doctors agree?

    I doubt that.

    And I'd vote for a pro-choice candidate, yes.

  11. Obama has 2  daughters, guess he forgot to murder them if he's all for murdering unborn babies.

  12. that  is the MAIN reason I vote GOP

  13. It's important to remember that abortions go on whether legal or not. Before Roe v. Wade authorities never pulled dead rich women from back alleys. Sadly, it was always the poor that suffered. The affluent had their doctors do it anyway in the comfort and safety of their doctor’s office.

    I remember before Roe v. Wade when my mother, grandmother, and another woman were at our kitchen table. They had just come back from a funeral of a friend who was a victim of a botched abortion. With tears streaming down my grandmothers face she chokingly said, "It's a d**n shame that we live in a country where dogs receive better treatment than a woman."

    My father drove an ambulance in Washington D.C. before R v. W. He and my mother cried when it passed as it meant my father wouldn’t have to look at those horrid scenes from botched abortions anymore.

    Back then the pillars of the community always knew the abortion doctors that would do it. They made sure they were around. Not just to take care of slip ups at home but more importantly, to take care of their little secrets. The local Sheriff knew all about it too. But if he wanted to win his next election then he’d better watch his P’s and Q’s. Get it? Meanwhile, the sheriff helped pull injured and dead poor women out from back alleys. It wasn’t right that the poor suffered while the affluent didn’t. That scenario is one of many reasons R v. W passed.

    The problem with contemporary views on abortion is the element of time. People have forgotten or are too young to know what went on before Roe v. Wade. And the GOP isn’t going to remind us either.  Against our best interest, they use the issue to stir our emotions in order to sucker us for our votes.

    Pro-Choice is Pro-Life

  14. Sing the Republican anthem with me!

    Iam a republican i eat from the nest

    I Goo in my skivees and leave a big Mess!

    Seig Heil

  15. John McCain will protect your unborn fetus and then send your grown child to Iraq"

    "Abortion is murder? Hey dumbass, what do you call war?"

    and "Choose LIfe. Because in 18 years we'll need someone to waste more brown people"

    Then when the kids are born and the moms cant afford them - they go get on welfare, which costs us all. And the John McCain will be thee first to tell them " we cant help you"

  16. YES YES YES!

    i want mccain to win

    i am way against abortion

  17. I think the general public is swept up too much into this Obama kool-aid. I read the actual floor report in the Illinois house camber and his opposition to protecting the unborn. He did not want the child labeled as a person because then the doctors would be forced to save the child. All for the sake of pushing the envelope of abortion to the very limits. Maybe its time to really evaluate this alleged right.

    Obama has no conscience. He has no morals. He is the cancer that can bring this country down.

  18. Unborn? He voted against requiring medical attention for babies surviving abortion in Illinois. He wants to abort them AFTER they are born

    ATTENTION liberals. Military service is voluntary. Do you also support killing 10 year olds because they are on welfare or haven't been adopted?

  19. ... some scientist are liberals.

    They couldn't give a s*** what they were s******g around with.

  20. don't have your period you are a MURDERER  

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