
Would you vote for a president just because of his race?

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Wouldn't that make you a racist?




  1. heck no i wouldnt. and yes that makes a person a racist.  that is why so many are voting for Obama and they just dont have the guts to say so. and the reason so many white people are not voting for Obama and i have heard many say why, because he is NOT qualified., i even heard one black person say they were voting for Obama because he is black, she could care less about what he says or does, and i thought oml that is sad.  

  2. absolutely not.  and i wouldn't vote for someone based on their s*x either.

  3. Nope.otherwise I'd vote for McCain,the devil's mouthpiece,along with his running mate,the family-denying harlot

  4. No I would absolutely not vote based on race alone but I do think that it is an historical time that we have an african american and had a woman run in the presidential election.  It' about time that people become more open minded and embrace diversity.

  5. I'm not, however, I have voted gender and so what.

  6. I would not vote for anyone based on their race.  Doing so would make you a racist.

  7. No, that would in fact be a racist decision. Voting for someone on where he stands on issues that you feel are important is the true way it should be.  

  8. No way.  

  9. It would.  

  10. I would never vote because of his race.

  11. Go to Hawaii you'll know it's not racist down there.

  12. Would you?

    Are all the White people voting McCain because they don't want to see a Black man run this country?

    I don't see anyone question McCain's supporters. Obama has a diverse group of supporters...Black, White and Hispanic....Asian and all.

    I guess some people are too dumb to make good decisions for themselves huh? Get over it.

    and yes it would...

  13. No I wouldn't.

    Many people will vote for Obama - based primarily on his race.

    Yes - that is racist.

    But - whatever.  I'll be happy that Obama gets the black vote - he'll need those votes in order to win - so we can get the GOP out of the white house.  Any way it has to happen - even if it involves racism - is better than 4 more years of conservative c**p.

    Actually - even if Obama was white - he would get most of the black votes - because he's a democrat.  But I think blacks will be more apt to go out and vote for someone who is of their race.  Or - well - half black, anyway.

  14. Depends, NASCAR or Indy?

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