
Would you vote for an openly g*y candidate is he were running for president?

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Would you vote for an openly g*y candidate is he were running for president?




  1. Never!

  2. Depended upon his past record of patriotism to America.  

  3. No, I wouldn't.  

  4. Sure,,,,,,Unlike the liberal democrats, I do not care what race, gender, or sexual preference any candidate is, the only thing that matters to me is ideology, you must be a true Conservative to get my vote.

  5. Nope

  6. if he had the same opinion as me on the issues, yes i would!  someone's sexual preference would not interfere with running a country.

  7. yes someone sexual orientation has nothing to do with whether or not they would be a good president

  8. no

  9. I think Obama would be considered "bi". This is assuming Larry Sinclair's claims are true.^

  10. Yes I would if I believed in him, or her. And Obama doesn't count, I would never vote for him, even though he's g*y.

  11. I don't care who runs for president. No matter what race, s*x, orientation, age, species even, if I see a good president in that person, they will get my vote. Others can waste time criticizing, but I prefer to waste time opening my mind to everything around me.  

  12. Well I wouldn't or just wouldn't vote for anyone at all. Being g*y would change his view on things and he might be more liberal than we can handle.

  13. If he/she were the right person to be president, absolutely.  Depends entirely on the issues.

  14. In a word, no.

  15. Why would u say Never

    We had a Retarded 9 year old in the office with a Heartless vp

    but yet a g*y man scares you

    And thats the problem with America cuz A lot of people think that way

    but yeah I would if he can solve our problems

    h**l I would vote 4 a talking 3 legged horse right now  

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