
Would you vote for jesse ventura??? for president?

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Would you vote for jesse ventura??? for president?




  1. vs. Obama?  Yes.

  2. No. I don't know that much about the man's political career, but I do know he isn't running for either president or vice president. And even though he did a satisfactory job as governor he didn't really shine, and the people of his state gave him a rather low approval rating in the end.

    Sarah Palin, on the other hand, has received very high marks from just about everyone, earning an unprecedented 80% approval rating. The only people saying she's not qualified to be vice president are Democrats & Liberals, and the only reason they're saying that is because they want Obama to win. Reading the posts here, it's obvious that many of her detractors know absolutely nothing about her. They're simply parroting the vicious lies and blatantly false rumours they've heard from other Liberals.

  3. no

  4. depends on he is running against

  5. No.

  6. Never for Jesse but Sable a big  yes.

  7. He's as much of a loon as Ron Paul.


    I wish it wasn't too late for him to run this year.

    We need someone in office that will respect the constitution.

    Although, I would prefer Rand Paul if he's interested.

  9. Well, I know he surprised quite a few Minnesotans, and many people really like him.  I haven't really researched him well enough to know whether I would vote for him or not.  But if a Hollywood actor could leave behind a legacy as one of the greatest Presidents, who's to say a former wrestler couldn't do the same?

  10. I'd have to learn more about his stances on a few issues, but yes, yes I probably would.  He did a pretty good job in Minnesota.

    (Plus, I want a president that I've seen bodyslam somebody.)

  11. Nope, and I wouldn't vote for him for Governor again.  I was glad I did  when he told a woman on the Capitol steps that the public isn't reponsible for her bad decisions in life after she complained that she was single, had three kids, and wanted public assistance for tuition..  Good for him.  Unfortunately it went quickly downhill after that.

  12. Well he was governor of a state with almost ten times the population of Alaska and I bet he has traveled to a whole lot more countries than Palin.

    Oh he was cool in Predator too.

    Minnesota gave him bad scores though by the time he left.

  13. Yes. He always says what he believes, take it or leave it, and he's refreshingly direct. You can tell that he's not a liar.

    At the Rally for the Republic yesterday, he promised that he would run in 2012 depending on how much action lovers of liberty take at the grassroots level.

    It's funny how some people label him "a loon, like Ron Paul", when both of these men simply are standing up for our Constitution and liberty. One can only assume that the name-callers are seriously misinformed. What a great ticket a Ventura/Paul would make — the speaking power and boldness of Jesse and the calm reasoning, compassion, and economic knowledge of Ron.

    Talk about some REAL change.


  14. yes i think he would make a great president.  great speech last night too.  

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