
Would you vote for me for President of the United States?

by  |  earlier

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I believe we should let 'A hundred flowers bloom, and a hundred schools of thought flourish', and by the way this is a quote from Chairman Mao, and like Mao, I believe that it is the best interest of our nation to keep the garden beautiful, and thus, we must get rid of the imperfect flowers. I also believe in lots of change, I believe that instead of having one group of people bribe the politicians (i.e. the lobbyist) I believe that everyone should have equal rights when it comes to bribing their representatives. I also believe that the threat posed by the Nation of San Marino is very real, on the basis that they are not Anglophones, thus not being able to communicate with the average Americans, and thus are hiding something. If they do not revel their secret, we will have no other choice then to launch a premeditate strike. I also believe that the two parties system in this nation is cumbersome and inefficient, and thus propose a single party system to get things done faster. I also




  1. I'd like to see a monarchy.

  2. LMAO! That was beautiful. Sounded like a true politician! Thanks for the laugh and the 2 points :)

  3. Anyone has to be better than Obama and McCain..

  4. My attention span is too short at this moment.  Can you distill that for us?

  5. WOW.......


    I WOULD PICK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  6. No, I would not.

    You say that a two party system is inefficient. I couldn't agree with you more. But most defiantly, we need MORE parties, not less. The opinions of America cannot be voiced by one candidate. Then we would become just like Germany and the n**i party. We need more than one party to keep people in check.

    sorry =(


    I read through the rest of it... do I detect a hint of sarcasm??


  7. No

  8. h**l no I wouldn't. Do you think that bullcrap that you wrote makes you look smart? I didn't even read it actually but .... No I would never vote a girl in as a president.

  9. Thats great I would! You would be a great President.

  10. sure because you wrote so much

  11. *cough* COMMIE *cough*

  12. I will not submit.  I believe in the sanctimony of diversity.  Not until many different streams of thought come together can you gain a river of knowledge.  I will raise an army in the dark corners of Djibouti and Andorra.  We will spread and grow in the well lit alleyways of Santa Monica and Costa Rica.  Our message will be spread on the radio waves in the form of beautiful music until all are united in destroying the oppressive dictator that is you.  Love will be born and freedom invigorated.

  13. You almost had me until you said that you would fine parents with LESS than five kids.  How about fining parents with more children than they can take care of without public assistance?

    Did any of you READ this?  This is how people get elected.  They have long elaborate speeches and sneak the stuff that you don't want to hear in the middle so that the low attention spans won't pick up.  HAH, I saw it!  And I have A.D.D. too!

    EDIT:  Wait a're joking, aren't you?

  14. no coz ur lack of one simple thing

    see wat ther is no promise for wat to do wit iraqis and afghanis

    u destroyed the whole nation now it is u who have to support them

    u r lack of that

    so i'll NEVER make u da president of the so called YOU YES (U S)  Younithed Stades OF Yemerikhah

  15. Can I get the number of your doctor.

  16. Most blessed and most worshipful Mao Hussein. We need not vote for you, we must tax all citizens 90% of income and give to blessed Barrack dictator. Then we have true socialist reform for the people. The revolution for the people is in your name oh wise one.

  17. Yeah

    I didnt read the details But yeah

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