
Would you vote for someone who doesn't know how many houses he owns?!?

by  |  earlier

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Just a question, but your opinions on the election & candidates welcome!




  1. Yes

  2. h**l no, he's so crazy rich, it sounds funny when he starts talking about the sacrifices that the American people should make ...

  3. Yes. He does not own them his wife does. The question should be would you vote for someone that got a sweetheart real estate deal from a convicted felon named Rezko?

  4. Will you vote for someone who had his home offered to him for political favors?

  5.   I am an Independent Voter. I was in the middle of the road on all the candates and as the past few months has went by I have leaned more so toward Obama!  He talks about the issues and his policies in what he wants for this country! As far as 7 or 8 houses? I dont own a house and sure it would be nice but Mr. McCain is completely out of touch with the working class of all Americans. Yes! He is very Rich! And the very Rich see things in a perspective that is Illussioned and distorted by the size of there Bank Accounts. They wont see your perspective because there world is different! Vote always with your gut!   Look at the canidate on there past results and you'll know if your better off now than 4 yrs ago..

  6. Yep.

    Would you vote for someone who attended an anti-American church for 20+ years but didn't know it?

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