
Would you vote for the labour party in the next election?

by Guest62594  |  earlier

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the nsw are getting worse.transport,education,hospitals our roads.and many we need A change of government and try liberal party to run the state.




  1. My opinion is that Liberal is the better of the two evils...

    HOWEVER Liberal don't have much going for them at the moment.... It's a lose-lose situation and as such, I may just well scribble profanities on my next voting paper....

  2. NSW state labor government is a joke......i remember bob car telling us years ago "if you vote for me ill get rid of the toll on the M4" mmmm..... still waiting!! Morris said he would fix public transport..... do you think its fixed?

    federal labor government isnt much better...... K Rudd.... said he would put a stop to rising intrest rates... so far he's 3 rises from 5!!

    so who do you reckon i will vote for????

  3. The Liberals couldn't organise a p*ss-up in a brewery or a bang in a brothel. Labor is bad, but the others are far worse.

  4. federal...maybe, I still have 2 years to decide

    state(NSW) way on earth, unless they appoint a different person than Morris Iemma.

  5. Although my vote won't effect NSW if we are talking state elections and if we are talking Federal elections we haven't had enough time to really gauge how everything is going... but yes, I will vote for Labour in the next election.

  6. I'm a Labor person and so is my whole family. We never had in mind about voting for the Libs.

  7. No kevin rudd is trying to undo what john howard messed up. It takes time. Things seem bad every where in australia at the moment. If you view the new budget kevin rudd is puting lots of money into education, roads, medical care and public transport.

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