
Would you vote on having kid do 11 months in school?

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including saturdays that way they learn more and in one year complete 2 grades all in all even the dum kids should be done with school by 14 and 16 and go to collge....which i believe college should be paid by government but home schooled only making cheaper for tax payers




  1. No.

  2. I'd vote yes for year-round schooling, but not school on Saturdays.

    My HS'ed son does year-round schooling (with several breaks) and it's the best thing for him and our family.

  3. Um, no, because homeschoolers are doing just that without spending 11 months going to school for 7 hours a day including Saturdays... Some of us finish early and only do maybe 4 hours a day only on the weekdays. All you'd do is break the system even more than it already is broken... As for government paying for college... THAT'S INSANE! The colleges work. Why give the government more control over them so they break like the public school system?

  4. i think kids shouldnt have to go to school for almost the whole year  i mean almost a whole year but atleast not on the weekends and not on normal vacations or the kids might drop out oh and i think if kids are homeschooled kids and teens get better attention then in public school i am currently home schooled almost finished with high school and i think i have learned more than i have ever learned in public school because of more attention given

    hope this helps

  5. Should kids do 11 months of school? Not in our current educational system.

    The problems in our system cannot be overcome with more time, all you would get is more dropouts and burnouts. Additionally, particularly for younger students, the mind requires significant breaks. Right now, many young boys get diagnosed with ADD because we are asking something of them that their brain and body chemistries cannot physically handle. Even kids who look like they are handling it, frequently are not.

    And the increases in the cost of a college education have directly correlated with the amount of money the government is willing to spend on it. If government pays for all college, either costs will skyrocket even faster than they have been or they will 'ration' it (limit the number of students able to go) we will see a decrease in quality. Economics 101.

  6. what????  thats crazy....   and makes no sense whatsoever.

  7. You can certainly achieve faster and more intense learning if your children are home-schooled.

    My parents home-schooled us (7 of us) and we all went to College at around 16 and 17.

    As a matter of fact my youngest brother graduated with his AA by the time he turned 17.

  8. You are not making sense at all. What is this with the cheaper taxes if you homeschool. There is no such thing. We all pay the taxes whether or not you child attends school. I pay taxes for the school where I live and my Daughter will never attend. That is just the law. So now that we got that myth out of the way

    Don't you think that kids already get a boatload of time in school and including hours of homework each night? Our kids are being overloaded and expected to do way too much too soon. We need to be going back to the old days where Kindy is only 3 hours and is all about playing and getting along with others and school for other kids starts at 8 and ends at 2 and you get recess and a long enough lunch so you can actually have time to eat and not have to inhale your food. Weekends are spent with famiy and no homework during the weekend. They need to allow every child to have a period in Highschool where they can do any work that needs to be done.

    This is as bad as bringing your work home with you. They are teaching our kids to be workaholics when they grow up. No wonder we have so many problems with our children and families breaking up.

    There is no time left to actually live. School is taking up all of the kids extra time along with that time they spend on extra sports-etc. It is a very very sad situation they have gotten themselves into. They are pushing our kids to think that the most important thing is school and that family has to sit on the backburner. Yes education is important, but not to the point where our kids will become mentally ill adults because of all the stress, lack of sleep, lack of descent diets, lack of socialization of kids and adults of all ages, lack of family time, lack of time spent on things they truly enjoy and love.

    The school system is turning our children into Robots to do what they feel is right. I shudder to think what is becoming of our world.

    Ok I am off my HighHorse. No I think they should cut back and allow kids to have their Summer free to do nothing if they want. If it isn't broke don't fix it. I am sorry, but bigger is not better. The grass is not greener on the other side. CORRUPT CONTROL SEEKING GOVERNMENT

  9. No. The kids get bored and irritated spending as much time in school as they do now. Therefore, they stop paying attention. If you make them stay in school for 11 months out of the year, they will become even more agitated and there would be no progress. They just get mad and refuse to pay attention.

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