
Would you wait for a woman to leave her husband ?

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would you wait 2yrs for a woman you are totally in love with to leave her husband who she doesn't love and is just staying there for the sake of the teenage children till they grow up a bit . she has promised to leave then and says she loves me.and then wants to spend rest of life with .




  1. home wrecker!

  2. You are a lonely man.

    Please if she wanted to leave she would've.

    You need a life.

    Not worth will be waiting a looooooooooooooooooonnnnnnnggggggg time.  

  3. disagree with christie brooks how can he, be a homewrecker, takes 2 dont forget,sometimes these situations happen, its happened to me and it just makes you feel so alone, you cant ask family or friends for advice about it, hang in there John, she's lucky she has someone so understanding

  4. it sounds like she's just giving you hope for nothing


  5. i don't think it's unreasonable that a woman would, in a situation like this, do what she thinks is best for her children.  She probably does love you, probably does want to spend the rest of her life with you, but she IS a mother.  If I truly loved her, and had the assurance that she wanted to be with me, to answer your question, yes, I'd wait 2 years.

  6. No way...  that's very unrealistic of her to expect that you would put your life on hold for that period of time.  You have no idea if or when she will actually leave.  This could all be a complete waste of your time.  When the two years is up, I'm sure she'll find another excuse.. she may feel the kids are still too young...whatever.  If you want to put your life on hold for that period of time, then..... have fun.

  7. your wasting your life on someone who belongs to someone else, when the kids get older what will be her excuse then?much can happen in 2 years, she could decide she doesn't love u in that time. its never right to cause the breakup of someones marriage, they always say they don't love their spouse.

  8. NO!  Hmm how many others has she told this to?  And is she going to do this to you down the road?  If she's doing it to him, it CAN happen to you.  Find someone who is truly available and be happy.

  9. 2yrs. You got to know that anything can happen within this time. Who knows, maybe she starts having feelings for her husband, and what would you do? I think you should stay out of their relationship because you are the one that is most likely to get hurt in this situation. If she  in love with you then she should file for a divorce. Why would anyone want to stay in an unhappy marriage? I just hope you are not being used by her.

  10. I am a woman who left her husband after nearly 2 years while having an affair in which we both fell in love, he waited for me and we went away together & have never been happier, divorced now & getting married in a few weeks.  My reason was something else, not teenage kids, but this is a very valid reason why she is stalling, especially hard for kids at that age anyway & maybe a lot a school/exam issues as well.

    Try to agree on a length of time at the end of which she will make the move and keep her to this, tell her that she has a life as well and sometimes she needs to put herself first; kids can get over this ok, sometimes it can improve life for them if there are problems at home.

  11. People get divorced and raise children all the time.

    That old "I will leave once children are grown" is just a cop out wanting both sides of the pasture til they are ready to move on to something else.

    I doubt she is being honest and saying she isn't sleeping with her own husband......

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