
Would you walk if gas gets expensive?and why?

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Would you walk if gas gets expensive?and why?




  1. I'd rather bike than walk, really. Depending on how far I needed to go I might ride a bike to where I want that rather waste the gas. However electric cars are becoming a new thing, so gas might not be a problem in the near future.

  2. I already do. I walk 20min to work almost everyday, depending on the conditions outside. As long as its not a crazy t-storm, I'll walk/ take the bicycle. It's funny because people drive by and look at me like whaaaaaat hes walking, what is that.

  3. Right now gas prices around here is $4.12 a gallon. If it hits $5, I am riding my bike to school, to friend's houses, downtown, and everywhere else!

    Why? Because my mom is raising me alone and we don't have much money and I want to save her from spending as much money as possible!

  4. Gas is already expensive. But I doubt that many people would walk. We've gotten accustomed to hopping in our car and going wherever we want. I doubt that will change just because gas prices rise.

    Additionally, some people cannot walk to wherever they have to go. If your job is 30 minutes away by car, imagine how long that would take on foot. That just won't happen. But I do believe that more and more people are driving less...

  5. i depends on the weather and how far is the place i'm going to. If it's really literally walking distance, it won't hurt to sweat and it is even good for our body. Also to help in somehow, preventing further damage to our planet.You know how global warming is affecting our climate nowadays.

  6. No. It's 110 here right now.

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