
Would you walk into the kitchen to find your waitress?

by  |  earlier

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I had to send out a search party to find my waitress at a poorly run restaurant. I had an appointment and needed to pay the bill because I was running late. When other service staff would not help me, I walked into the kitchen and asked for my waitress would was found smoking a cigarette in the back.

I was told I was being to forward and rude for trying to find her back in the kitchen. I should have just waited, they say.

So, was I being to forward and aggressive going back into the kitchen?




  1. No, if they were as disorganized as you say, you did what was necessary.  I have sometimes had to go up to the register and ask for my bill since I need to pay up and leave.  That way an employee goes and hunts down the waitperson I need, but the effect is the same.

  2. To answer your question, no, I would never walk into the kitchen of a restaurant. For any reason.

    The appropriate thing to do is to catch the eye of another server and to ask that server to find your waitress. Even if the manager were unavailable, you certainly could have told another server about your situation. You could have even estimated the total of your bill and left it on the table.  

  3. Not at all.  I'd have tracked her down just the way you did.  It's a shame people don't give a darn anymore and we have to do things ourselves.  I'd have gotten someone's/anyone's attention and said, "If you want your money, you'll get someone here in 10 seconds!"

  4. In the circumstances, I would have done the same thing. Also, I would not have tipped her.

  5. Personally, I would not have done that, however, I think you were in the right, and I'm glad you did what you did. It probably should be done more often, as we're the paying customers. I have never waited tables, nor would I want to, however, as somebody who dines out about 3-4 times a month, when the server is good, even if the food is bad, I'll tip in the 25% range. But yes, I think what you did is fine if the server was puffing on you, good job actually.  

  6. Oh, some of these answers are funny. Yes, wait staff get breaks, but not while they have open tables!!

    Normally I would say that under no circumstances should you go to the kitchen to get your server. But it looks like you exhausted every other alternative. And it's not like you were asking for more bread or another glass of water, you had to leave. Why she should hold you hostage and keep you from your appointment so she could have a smoke is beyond me, and I work in a restaurant.

    So I guess my answer is, you shouldn't have to do what you did, and I am sorry you had to.

  7. uh, only if i wanted her to spit in my food!

  8. Maybe you were to them...but at the same time was anyone going back to give her the messege that you, her customer, was done and needed the bill??   I'm tired of people not doing their jobs when their supposed to - and what you were requesting is not out of the ordinary.  So I totally understand why you took it upon yourself to go find her.  I would just be careful about going into the kitchens...there are health codes that might be violated if an unauthorized person went back there, plus safety issues.  Maybe that's why they were upset.

  9. You should not have walk into the kitchen to ask for the waitress. But here's a tip for the next time you go out to eat, weather your in a hurry or not. Give the waitress your order and have the tally up the bill and pay for it right away. This keeps you from having to wait for the bill and also it gets the bill taken care of right away.

    Have a great day,  

  10. You need to find out who owns the restaurant and give them this info; I'm sure they would be interested to hear the waitress was smoking and the mgr unavailable.

  11. Not at all

  12. I have been in the same situation, although I had given myself a lot of time the staff where even slower, eventually, I did not go into the kitchen; I said to the nth waiter that told me "I can't give you the bill because this is not my table" that I'm leaving in 2 min. if the bill is not on my table before that time I would assume that they don't want to be paid.

    They did not take me seriously until I actually walked out the door, that's when the waiter came running after me.

    While the waiters were definitely lazy, I don’t blame them as much as I blame the manager, where the heck was he/she when the customers were complaining?!

    I’d say no, you were not forward, they were not doing their job properly.

  13. Yes! You were forward and aggressive. It was your fault for not allowing enough time. Wait staff DO get breaks! Next time, do not go into a restaurant unless you have time!

  14. No, I would not suggest going into the kitchen.  It's a safety hazard for you.  If you need your server tell the hostess or manager.  If you have an appointment do NOT go out to eat at a sit down restaurant, you never know how long it can take.  I despise when my guests come in and tell me they have to be somewhere in a half hour during our lunch rush.

  15. It is very frustrating when you have to go and there is no one there to give you your check. However, in my opinion it was too forward to just go into the kitchen to find your waitress. If you had gotten hurt there would be no insurance to cover you.

    The next time (I realize there probably won't be a next time in that restaurant) that happens it might be more effective to talk to the manager. That way your check will come very quickly and you can pay right away and the waiter/waitress would have to answer to the manager.

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