
Would you want Ben Cousins playing for your club?

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He may be talented but given his age and drug history, would you be happy if he played for your team?




  1. No thanks...we have enough talent and dont need has been druggies :P

  2. yes

  3. l dont care where he plays as long as he gives his best to the club he is going to play for thats all...

  4. i would have him at the crows but if he stiped the drugs then i would other wise NO

    i think he should go 2 the power they need the help

  5. who cares about Ben Cousins he is yesterday's news and a self confessed (DRUG ADDICT) who by his own omission hasn't really shown any remorse at all he is 30 shortly hasn't played for over a year a club may get 1 good year out of him why bother he was once a great player not anymore people need 2 move on and forget about him so now i would defiantly not want him and all his baggage at my club (North Melbourne)

  6. No, and not because of the drug thing, i barrack for the Hawks and we dont need any more mid-fielders, espically ones near the end of their playing days, he is a good player though and he wants to keep playing so i hope some team gives him a chance.

  7. Yes everybody deserves a second chance.

  8. I wouldn't mind Cousins playing for the Doggies but they Doggies have an awesome midfield already and I don't see them dropping any of the players unless someone retires. At the age of 30, it doesn't mean that he'll struggle physically but I think he might struggle mentally if he returns to AFL.

  9. I'll be embarrassed if he plays for my club.. What does it say about Freo? Not a lot of good things.

    They got some good young talent in Palmer, Ibbotson and Maine coming up anyway.

    I would be happy for him at any other club, just not mine. He's an awesome player to say the least.

  10. yeah i dont think his age matters at all.

    he's a brilliant play and i would love it if he playd for the dockers.

    considering he gives up the drugs and all that.

  11. No! He has shown that he can't be trusted. If he stayed clean for a few years, then maybe, but as I don't know what his age is, he may be too old by that time.

  12. No. I wouldn't.

    I would not have Copusins playing for my team, because my team does not pay any of our players anything. I don't think Ben would agree to playing for nothing. His habits cost a bit of money, so I have heard!

  13. Yeah - I think the VFL team down at the Cats needs a couple of midfielders at the moment.  If he was straight, sober and committed he'd be an asset.  He may force his way back into the big time but it would be a long road home.

    If he could do it, it would be a good story.  However, I doubt if he ever will do it.

  14. I don't think the Bulldogs would need him.

    We already have a sound midfield with great players like Daniel Cross and Adam Cooney, who are both much younger, and I think the current line-up is good as it is.

    To recruit Ben Cousins just because of his past ability would defeat the propose of all the team rebuilding the Bulldogs have gone through over the past few years.

  15. The youth policy is what most clubs have adopted, if he did he play AFL again he would probably get a 1 year deal. Personally I wouldn't want him at Hawthorn as we have a good young list, and would rather see the hawks draft young players rather than older players with a drug related past.

    If he get backs to decent form, then I'm sure a lot of clubs would look to signing him to 1 year deal.

  16. NO.

    AFL is a team sport and Cousins' repeated acts of irresponsibility at 28 and 29 years of age make him a liability for any group of young guys in a sporting environment.

    There's only one team that could absorb him, because their players are the Great Uncaught, and that team calls home a place more than a thousand kms from my Bombers.

    Keep him out of Victorian based teams!

  17. No, way too soon for him to be coming back

  18. I would much rather that my club gained younger players, and helped them develop into better players, then getting Ben Cousins. Let's face it, Cousins is old, he will never play as good as what he did with the Eagles. If he was prepared to give it a real go, I would have him, but as I said, I'd rather gain younger players with their whole careers ahead of them.

  19. Yes & No:

    YES - I'm sure he hasn't lost his talent and if he is healthy enough, he can run out games no problems when fit. The excitement he'd bring to the club would be a positive.

    NO - Drug History: When he's been banned for this length of time and with the amount of publicity he has received throughout the entire ordeal, the team would be labelled certain things (drug cheats etc.).

             Age - Just turning 30 will be an obstacle as this decifers many clubs decidions to delist players in this day and age. After a player reaches 30, often their health starts to decline and the clubs, nowadays frequently give the 30yrs+ players a one-year contract only.

    I know that the Adelaide Crows are often cutting off 30+ players as there have been a few recently and it has been strongly publicised in the South Australian media at the end of seasons in the past few years.

  20. No.

    He'd have his mate Michael Gardiner & all his bikie mates hanging about the club. I know he has had lapses back to drugs since he started treatment. And if he has done it - I reckon he will continue doing it.

    He was a great footballer but not very intelligent or bright, by any stretch of the imagination. I really don't think any club would be game to take him on - because if he slipped up they would look like fools. The clubs don't want that.

  21. If and i say IF, he was reformed, than yes,   mate, i would love a bloke who can deliver a footy like Ben,    so would our forwards at tigerland.   he might give us 2 great years.

    I want success at richmond so i would have  any one who could make that happen.

  22. That is a smart question to ask Asterix...!

    I'm sure theres a bunch of reasons for and against... but..

    No, I would be disappointed if Roos okayed such an event as it shows other players you can behave like this and put your club Thur turmoil and still be taken in by another club at a later date..

    Bad example in leadership.. my opinion..

  23. NO

    he has proved time after time he is a tosser

  24. Ben Cousins - Ned Kelly. RIP.

    Once a junkie, always a junkie.


    NO, I wouldn't want him anywhere near anything he could influence with his evil.

  25. **As a Geelong supporter I would be so angry if Ben Cousins came to my team.  I wouldn't want to take the risk that he could cause trouble at the club or be a bad influence on any of the other players, especially the younger players.

    Give his age I think he'd only have a couple more years left in him and I don't know that it would be worth getting him.**

  26. No i would'nt want Cousins playing for my team..

    I dont care how good he is as a player,he is a drug user..

    And to the person who said anyone deserves a second chance,Cousins has had nore than 2 chances..He was a great player but for 1 is the drug issues and 2 he is nearly 30,how many matches can his body naturaly with stand,before it breaks down?...

    No too mauch of a risk for me..

  27. His age wouldn't bother me - anyone who has clapped eyes on Ben Cousins knows that he is in excellent shpe.....

    The drug history would worry me. Everyone out there can see the damage that his drug problem has caused WCE (wasn't all his fault, club to blame some... but I could go on forever on that subject!!). A club that took him on board would have to enforce some pretty strict guidlenines so as to not to suffer as WC have.

    As a WCE supporter I would love to see him back playing, I think he has a lot to offer a team both as a footballer and as a person. What better (anti?) role model would young players need to play alongside??

    EDIT: Who are the great uncaught??

  28. No,not that he isn't a gun footballer but Carlton have a young list that's growing together and bringing in a 30 yr old with hang ups and constant media attention can't be good for the stability of the club. daniel Kerr - yes

  29. simple answer


    thats eagles by the way!!

  30. depends on his form

  31. I really respect him but i wouldn't want him at my club. Just because of his  influence on younger kids

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