
Would you want a Queensland player 2 play for QLD if he would rather play for NSW?

by  |  earlier

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Well i woulded becuase he is not a queenslander, i dont care were he was born or played, if he would rather play for NSW he is a enemy and not a Queenslander at all.

Thats the differnce between the 2 states, 4 NSW its all about winning thats all. 4 QLD its about pride and being proud 2 be from QLD




  1. Hey effin moron, isn't that the same with inglis? He was born in NSW, had the choice of playing for either, and decided to play for qld.  inglis is an enemy to his people from north coast NSW I would say then.  

    Both teams want to win, but isn't the qld motto to not give up and to win at all costs?

    So you support a traitor do you?  inglis sounds like a benedict arnold to me!

  2. Sorry MeAgain but it's actually about playing for the state where a player began their Senior career. There are plenty examples over the years of players born in NSW playing for Qld and vice versa. In a few cases it's actually been up to the player to decide because the eligibility has been confused.

    In one case, Craig Polla-Mounter, Qld born, sided with NSW early in his career and after never being selected switched his allegiance and announced he was eligible for Qld selection one year when Qld were light on for a halfback. He didn't get selected for Qld either.

  3. are not

  4. ORIGIN is about where you "originated from", bloody disgracefull that someone borne in NSW can be a traitir and play for the Cane Toads!

    Think American Civil War, its North V South, get the picture?

  5. I would like him to play for QLD but it's up to them what state they play for if they have the choice you cant really force them to play for your State.

  6. I agree with the saying that the QLD team its about pride and being proud about the game and with NSW its just about beating Qld.. There isnt pride in what they do thats why ive never been a NSW fan. And i live here.

    Its like all teams, there are teams who wanna play for their fans and pride and there are teams who just wanna kill the other team or get help from the ref every game to win.. not saying anyteam but i do beleive there is a team in the top 4 right now who have won every game because of the ref.

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