
Would you want a kitty with a crooked face?

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I recently adopted a kitten with a crooked face. His jaw is off track, his nostril is elongated, and his eye on that side isnt fully developed and we think he may be at least partially blind in that eye. But other than that, he is frikkin beautiful - part siamese/ part manx so has no tail, all white and fluffy except for some beige on his nose - BEAUTIFUL clear blue eyes... big on purrs and cuddles - loves our older cat.. hes perfect. But the lady we adopted him from said the original owners were going to put him down bcuz of his crooked face and that no one else wanted him.He doesnt even look that funny - just sorta always looks like hes winking heheh AWWW.

So my question is, why would no one want him? I think I love him even more because he's crooked. I just don't understand why he would have been "un-adoptable" because of a little crooked face. Just wondered what your opinions are.

hahah his name is Zombie btw and hes awesome!!!




  1. yes I would...all cats need love even the disabled ones...I had a blind cat for years until she passed away and I miss her dearly...Im glad you have him he is in a good and loving place

  2. I would take them. They are loving creatures no matter what they look like.

  3. he's sounds gorgeous

    but just like a human should not be judged by what's on the outside rather than the inside

    think of it like this if you had a baby that was disfigured or had something wrong, you wouldn't stop loving it, would you ?

    so therefore i totally agree with you it's not un-adoptable people today  just don't like uniqueness

    ps, the name is very suitable good luck with your new kitty :)

  4. He sounds absolutely precious!! I would adopt him in a heartbeat!! It makes him special and unique!!

  5. omb a cat witha crooked face???!!!

    AAAh that sounds like sooooo awesome!!!

    If I liked cats (their hair gets everywhere=( ) i would totally love the cat immediatly!

    he sounds so cool! and its just so sad how people can be mean to dogs just because of how they look like, im very happy for you and thank you sooo much for adopting him,other wise, well you know what wouldve happpend thank gosh it didnt! =D


  6. I think it is much better that you, someone who appreciates cats, ended up with Zombie rather than the original owners.  Unfortunately too many people get pets because they're cute and not for the sake of the animal.  That is part of why there is such a cat population problem - people get pets and never take care of them and give them the necessary medical attention, vaccinations and procedures.

    I personally have a soft spot for off-beat animals because they usually seem to have no idea that they're different.

  7. Awwwww. Zombie... Sounds so cute .Kudos for the new addition to your family., I have a cat that I adopted from the shelter to he has problems with his nerve endings so he walks a little funny and falls over all the time.. And he is a maincoon he was scheduled to be put down at the shelter., I went in to that shelter looking and came out with a new His name is Franklinstein. For obvious reasons and besides the funny walk and the falling over he is absolutly happy and surprisingly healthy to....Good Luck!

  8. Aww, I love the name, how adorable!  Some people want a 'PURRFECT' cat, get it? :))  I have one cat who's almost all black, from a litter of calicoes (only boy), one who has allergies to everything, and one who is blind in one eye, I love the imperfections in an animal.  I don't know what I'd do without my 3 babies.  But I would keep an eye on Zombie, cause of how his face is, just make sure he's eating and drinking normally.  But he sounds so BEAUTIFUL!  Don't let people tell you otherwise.  If you love him for him, then he's a lucky cat.  Don't worry about it!

  9. i would love him even more....awwwww

  10. There are many more animals who need homes than people willing to adopt them; is this really that surprising that a large portion of these animals - even the perfectly heathy ones - never find a good home? We adopted a cat from a shelter a few months ago; it was really hard to choose - how do you choose amongst 60-100 or so animals needing homes when you know nothing about them? We chose a cat who had beautiful eyes, was just the right age (a young adult), and seemed the friendliest; but it's really hard to judge an animal's personality from interacting with them for a few minutes in a shelter setting. I'm sure that perfectly wonderful animals are being bypassed all the time because they are (for example) too scared and seem unfriendly. And certainly adopting a special-needs animal is not for everyone - which narrows the pool of potential adopters even further. I agree with you - a crooked face shouldn't be the yardstick by which to measure anyone, an animal or a person. But we do have to base our judgments on something, and for a lot of people this something is what they can see. Sure, you may have adopted this cat, and it's really wonderful; but all this means is that somewhere there's another cat (with a straight face) who will not get adopted. It's a battle you can't win - you can't save them all. Just enjoy your kitty.

    Our new cat turned out to be perfect. She is super-friendly, very patient, perfectly litterbox-trained, non-destructive, good with kids, strangers and other cats. Who would have known? And she is stunningly gorgeous to boot. People always comment on her "big eyes". My husband and I often look at each other and say - who would give up such a cat? We can't understand it. But - it happens; happens all the time, in fact.

  11. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Lucky for Zombie you were able to see what was important

  12. Aww that's so sweet of you to take him in! And I don't care what a cat looks like on the outside.  I wanted to adopt a cat with no tail because I really dont care what the cat looks like but my parents said no because they wanted one with a long tail :( So it's really my parents fault not mine.  But I really wouldnt care if he had a crooked face or not.  And thas so cute, he looks like hes winking! aww!!

  13. I've always been the kind to root for the underdog, or in this case, a crooked face on a kitty. I figure if there is a chance that someone wouldn't love an animal for some physical or emotional deficiency, that's all the more reason to want it!!! In many ways, it's a great feeling to take the road less traveled.  

  14. He sounds adorable. I don't know why no one would adopt him.

    I adopted a black cat from a no kill shelter. She was there for 3 years. They said people don't adopt black cats very much. It made me want her even more!

  15. That's so mean "un-adoptable" I would take and love him.

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