
Would you want a smoker in the White House? NO!! A THOUSAND TIMES NO! No weaklings in the White House please.-

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Thank God Obama has come to his senses and dumped the filthy stinking habit.




  1. A person doesn't have to be a weakling just because he smokes. Winston Churchill smoked a big cigar, and no one criticized him for that.

  2. No "weaklings in the White House"- huh?! Boy, I SURE wish people had THOUGHT of THAT back in 2000- when they Elected Bush !  :0

  3. OK. Now I have heard everything.  Why do you care if he smokes or not?  Just make the freaking things illegal if everyone is gonna have a fit every time someone smokes.  

    No weaklings in the white house.  This is why democracy doesn't work.  People are stupid.

    To answer your question, it doesn't make a bit of difference to me.  Some people smoke, some people don't.  It isn't the best thing for you, but it isn't my choice to make for you.  Anti-smokers are like the prudes that made prohibition in the 20's.  Argue to death something that is trivially unimportant only to let important things go to c**p.

    I didn't know Obama was a smoker, don't care.

  4. Jack Kennedy and Jackie Kennedy were both smokers.  They smoked Marlboro's.  Occasionally, Jackie would switch to Menthol "Salems" .

  5. I don't care if the person running our country, smokes, is g*y, is white, black, brown, or red, male or female. I just want a strong leader who can stand against special interest groups, get our economy rolling again, get us out of this horrible war. start a plan on paying off the nation debt, do something quick about the healthcare crisis, bring jobs back to OUR country, and so on....Personal habits are their business and don't affect me. Just give me the person who can make our country the country of the great American Dream it use to be!!!

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