
Would you want restaurants and bars in your town smoke free?

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I live in KC, MO and today we voted on a ban making restaurants and bars smoke free. So I'm asking:

1. Would you prefer them be smoke free and why?

2. If they already are in your town, do you like it? why or why not?




  1. dont matter to me either way

  2. I really don't care.  Am in Calif and everywhere here they are smoke-free.  I grew up with smoking in restaurants and nobody really cared less.  Bars should allow smoking.  It's part of the ambience.  P.S.  I don't smoke now, quit 10 yrs ago.

    I've always been a firm believer in laws being to protect people from hurting each other.  I don't think what you do to yourself can or should be regulated by law.

  3. well, i live where that law has been passed. its so nice because i have asthma, you can eat with out people coughing all the time and how there is no smoke floating around yuour heads.


  4. Yes,smoking  makes me sick,I can't breathe and it smells so bad!!!

  5. Yes. definately. Because I don't want to get cancer. I don't want to smell cig. smoke. I don't want my food to smell or taste like cig.smoke either. And it's not good for the children either. Their health for one, and two we are trying to teach our kids not to smoke and that it causes cancer. So if they see an adult doing that or anyone really , it may confuse them because they were taught it's bad for you and here people are doing it right in front of them. They could say something like "if smokings bad how come  they're doing it? " or what ever ,it just sets a bad example for the kids. It's disgusting too!

  6. yes smoking is pointless

    already in my town,and its great fresh air...

  7. 1. 110% yes. Second hand smoke mostly. Even if you never smoked a day in your life, you might get lung cancer, just by being near someone in a bar or resturant that smokes. True story. We once saw a video in school that showed a waitress who was dying of lung cancer, though she never smoked. Ever see those dividers between resturants that seperate smoking and non-smoking areas? They do nothing. The smell is still strong, and can sometimes destroy a meal. Sure, people have a right to smoke, but what about the people that want a smoke-free enviorment? Think of the children.

    2. I love it. For one, no more smell of smoke drifting through the air. And through my experiences, the waitresses are a whole lot more nicer, less cranky, though places vary.

  8. Our town is smoke free and my husband and I drive a good way to a tavern out in the sticks with good food to enjoy our smoke in smoke free you have to wait to long to get food listen to babies cry its not nice relaxing evening. I would rather they ban babies and booze Ive dealt with this c**p all my life. I had my kids and had a few drinks AM over that I hate ban smoking. I respect peoples rights from not smoking but so they should respect mine. i want to smoke I shouldn't have to feel like a second class citizen.I had one lady walk into to smoking out of her way to tell her kid we were bad people because we smoked, once they start taking your rights away when  will it stop but you notice we don't touch booze that's OK because the politicians want that.  vote for your rights even you don't smoke.

  9. I prefer bars and restaurants as smoke free, because I go to restaurants to taste food, not to taste smoke. I go to bars to relax, not to have to come home and throw my clothes in the wash before I can use them again. 25 feet is not far enough away from a door, in my opinion. I do think that covered shelters should be provided for smokers though. And yes, it is your privelege to smoke, it is not a right. for those of you whom use the argument you should be able to smoke wherever and whenever you want, the argument just does not stand up. There are many acts that are illegal to do in public but are OK in your own home, such as s*x.

  10. Florida went smoke free, in any public building, a few years back and it is awesome! I really appreciate a smoke free environment and I don't know any smoker that has complained.  In addition to restaurants, bars and bowling alleys are much nicer and the entire experience is cleaner.

  11. 1. YES. I reek so bad after a night out I need to shower before sleeping or I can't sleep.

    2. I hope they pass that law soon here.

  12. I live near Seattle and  you can no longer smoke inside any public places except at the casino. And you have to be 25 feet away from any entrance to a public building. I smoke, but I completely understand. I do think you should be able to smoke in bars, but not in restaurants.

  13. I live in a state that is smoke free and it's nice.  It kind of throws me for a loop when I go to a state that isn't smoke free and the waiter/waitress asks smoking or non-smoking.  I agree that smokers have a right to smoke, but don't feel that they have a right to foul the air that I'm trying to breathe.  What's wrong with going outside to smoke?

  14. no,i think its unconstitutional,smokers have rights too.if people dont like smoke they can go to non smoking,and leave smokers alone...

  15. No, I prefer to be able to smoke if I wish.  We have smoke free in restuarants and a lot of bars and I think it is stupid rule in bars because people go their to drink and smoking goes hand in hand.  I never had problem in any restaurant with smoke when they had smoking and non smoke sections.  This is just another way the government tries to control people with rules and regulations.

  16. My town is smoke free.  I think it is great bc I don't smell like smoke when I go out to bars.  I remember when restaurants had smoking sections and I didn't like it at all.  It's gross to eat when nearby people are smoking.

    I think it would be very hard to work in a place where all your customers smoke.  I suppose you could change your job, but somebody would have to work in the bars and restaurants every night and whoever it should not have to deal with eight hours of second hand smoke every day.

    I'm not a fan of the government getting involved in things like this, especially since they are the beneficiaries of all the taxes on cigarettes, but I do think smoke free public spaces are best for everyone.

  17. We're some free in Ohio and I love it! No longer when visiting a restaurant do I hear when being seated, "Smoking or none smoking!"

  18. NO, NO, & NO


    if you want to smoke its your right just like if people don't want to smoke they are smoking sections

  19. Restaurants I think should be smoke free because most are family oriented and children should not be exposed to smoke. However, what would be the point of having a smoke-free bar?  Most people associate drinking and smoking together.  I mean would a bar really be that successful if the ones who did smoke could not do so while they were having a drink?  Or at least have a section of the bar that is smoke-free and one section for smokers.

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