
Would you want to a sports poster that had been printed using human blood mixed with the paint?

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  1. No. Blood-borne diseases anyone?

  2. Thats what rugby is, a giant mural made with mud, blood and guts.  Putting it on paper somehow doesn't seem right though.

  3. Knowing who it is, and what it stands for, yes I would.

  4. Only if they can get me wasted fast enough for me not to notice what is on the walls.

  5. this ad campaign just won an international award so someone must have liked it.

  6. where can i get one of these?

  7. Why not? It would be almost as good as getting a blood transfusion from the mighty All Blacks. Kia Kaha!

  8. Its all part of the promotional psyche. The NZ add for Mastercard at the moment is similar (all NZ'ers have black blood because they support the All Blacks...). To own the poster is to own a part of the All Blacks.

    Its all safe and been sterilised etc, so to me it sounds like a well thought out promotional opportunity.

  9. Ick!  I don't think so!

  10. The All Blacks already did that - AGES ago. You are way behind there my friend.

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