
Would you want to be first lady? Why Why not?

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Would you want to be first lady? Why Why not?




  1. Heck no!! I would want to be the president. He would be able to do more things, and has more potential and quality. Plus everyone talks about HIM, not the first lady!!

  2. Absolutely not!  I like being anonymous, when I go out.  I don't want people critiquing my clothes, hair, laugh, etc.  I want my kids to have a normal childhood.

  3. Never. I'd probably have to marry-and I hate marriage. I also hate fancy-dos; don't like rules; don't like to be in the public eye; am very opinionated and blunt and and hate acting like I'm enjoying something when I'm not. I'd be bored out of my mind-I can't imagine why a sane woman would want to do it.

  4. never- have never lived on anyones ticket just to be famous-would want to be on the top with me in the drivers seat. However if i was forced to be the first lady i would do my job giving credit to my man

  5. Not interested in being First Lady or President.  Mr. Yaga was considering a run for the Senate, but decided against it (thank God).

  6. Why would I want to be First Lady when I could be Press Secretary? That's the only White House job I could ever want.

  7. lol second Mimi....if I'm in the white house Id want it to be as president.

  8. Nope. I don't want that kind of attention. The same reason I wouldn't want to be a celebrity. I don't like the thought of every thing I do being picked apart and scrutinized.

  9. i agree with what zen said. i wouldn't want that kind of attention and scrutiny.

  10. Nah, I would never want to be in the public eye...ever, I like my privacy & anonymity, just like on Yahoo! Answers.

  11. H*ll no. I want to be president or whatever else i want to be in my life. When you are first lady, your identity and purpose is secondary to someone else's. Not me. I would support a spouse but i wouldn't lose my identity to them. That is what being first lady means to me. There are alot of important things i want to do in life, first lady is definitely not one of them.

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