
Would you want to be royalty?

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It would be nice just to be born special.





  2. After what happened to princess Diana, No!

  3. Having to always be extra careful with your manners?  Having to go and make speeches at the opening of things?  Or having to go and tour in other countries?  Having your picture all over the tabloids?  Having the paparazzi following you everywhere?  

    Not me, thank you very much.

  4. We're all born special in God's eyes.Unfortunately most of us never come to realize that and explore the possibilities that lie before us.God created each of us unique,with our own DNA code different from everyone else.He created you because He wanted someone exactly like you.He loves all of His children.He may not love what we're doing with our lives but nevertheless He does loves us.

    We all have the potential to become great in our own unique way.Some tap into those gifts from God and some don't.What is it about you that makes you think your different from anyone else,and can you capitalize on that to become great?Worldly fame and fortune are only "worldly".Concentrate on how you can be admired in God's eyes and you may just receive that "Crown of glory" in the hereafter...where it really counts for something in God's eyes,not man's.

  5. it would be cool, maybe for a month or something, but i like my freedom, besides you would have to be supervise all the time, act a serten way, couldnt do the things u want freely,so i would think about it twice hehehe, but it would be cool like a vacation, i wouldnt want people watching me while i take a bath thoo. eww perverts, or have to marrie who ever they think is good for me, or stuff like that ...

  6. Yes, Yes please make me special I want to be special too. Really really I do can I be princess Sarah in your special country in la la land. Sound fun. All hail the queen. Queen Vivianna protector of the weak and feable minded.

  7. I would not want to be royalty- at least not like the British royalty -- because their lives are so controlled and watched all the time.  Queen Elizabeth has said to a friend that one of the happiest nights of her life was after  World War Two, when she was in uniform and out celebrating and nobody knew who she was.

    I think we are all born special anyway though. My father comes from a very old European family with all kinds of history & a very high position, and my mother is descended from slaves and i am just as proud of each one of them.

  8. Yes, it would be special. But, they say that the grass is always greener on the other side. So what if then, I wish I could enjoy the freedom and privacy of a commoner? Hence, it would probably be a safe bet to conclude that, it is not whether you are BORN royal but whether you FEEL royal is the key to happiness.

  9. Nope. Being royal these days just means being a living sacrificial victim - born to be the subject of prying paparazzi's lenses, can't pick your own career, always having to be 'on duty' , people always speculating about you and whatever you do is wrong ... I don't believe a monarchy is necessary these days but I have a certain respect for people born into such an appalling position - and I really wish William and Harry would turn round and go "Nah - not doing that - get lost!"

  10. yes and no.... cuz i like who i am...but it would be nice ...

  11. No, I think being born a royal must be a burden.

    best of luck to you!

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