
Would you want to go on bedrest?

by  |  earlier

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I am 33 weeks 3 days, and i have already lost my mucous plug. I work in child welfare. So i am in the feild most days of the week. I walk alot and am on my feet a lot also. today, I got really dizzy, and almost passed out. I told my job about this, and they want me to get a doctors note before going back into the office. I cant afford ot go on bedrest right now, but i will for my baby. What would you do?




  1. Speak with your doctor and let him make the decision based on whats best for you and the baby.

  2. If the Doc says that you should go on bedrest then it is not for fin, you need to do what is best for you and your baby.

  3. I would talk to your Dr. ASAP! Maybe you can work part time! Good luck and god bless you and your baby! :)

  4. I was put on bed rest at 6months and its not fun but its the best for your baby

  5. If bedrest is medically necessary, then it's what you should do.  It's not fun, but it might be best for you and your baby.  See what your doctor says.  Maybe you could transition to an office job or work fewer hours.

  6. I've been on bedrest for almost a month now, due to premature labor. Its defintily not any fun, but think of it as doing whatever you possibly can to keep your little one in there til they are ready to come out!  

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