
Would you want to know if your husband was attracted to someone else?

by  |  earlier

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Even though he never pursued a relationship? Once he and the co-worker realized that they had become drawn to each other, they stopped talking.

Would you want to know?




  1. Wow, she didn't pursue him! That's commendable. Now-a-days it seems so common for people to just please themselves. BUT what if she had pursued him back? Would he have still reacted the same??? Just asking.

  2. yes I would want to know. why was he not so in love with me that he didn't look at anyone else that way?

    I don't see anyone else but my husband that way. Why should it be any different for men? There are people that I have alot of respect for...but not any sort of physical attraction and I would never dream of taking it to that level. Thats what it  means to trully be in love with someone...if you fantasize about someone are not "in Love" with your wife anymore. you may love her but it isn't the same. Remember in the begining when all you could think about was her? Thats what "in love" means and some people keep that feeling all their married lives....instead of daydreaming about this other woman you should spend some time and energy into re-kindling the fires at home....

  3. People are attracted to people this is just a fact being married doesn't make you blind or cut off from the world. The fact that he realized it and made sure he separated himself is what matters. So no I wouldn't want or need to know unless something did happen.

  4. No, I'd be miserable if I knew.  They both had enough sense to stay away.  good enough.

  5. It really wouldn't bother me either way.  If nothing came of it I don't really see a reason why it should be mentioned, but I wouldn't be upset if it was.  At some point in most people's lives they become attracted to or tempted by someone other than their chosen partner.  It's whether or not they act upon it that makes the difference.  In this case, the right thing happened so it's really not a big deal.

  6. There is nothing wrong with feeling attracted to other people. You're human and everyone looks, EVERYONE!  Now.. If it becomes a problem where this attraction could lead to unfaithfulness, then yes, I'd want to know. I'd want to know why he let himself enter that situation and what he feels is lacking the relationship that he has to go find elsewhere. It'll be a hard conversation, but hopefully, it'll help build back a solid foundation in your relationship.

  7. Actually, I would.

    We do live in a world with other people and all...but this is how "emotional affairs" start.   I would be relieved if my husband told me that he was attracted to another woman at some point, because at least he isn't trying to hide it.

    It is commendable that the people you're talking about had the sense and willpower to not act on their attraction to one another.    They avoided hurting themselves and the people around them.  

    *Newwife29,   I completely agree with you!    :)

  8. Nope. If nothing happened, I wouldn't want to know. I think a lot of people find themselves drawn to other people. But what separates us from the "others" is the ability to know when to call it quits. When to know that things are about to go a little too far.

  9. no i would not want to know, if i knew it would hurt harm done since they stopped talking, which is very rare today.

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