
Would you want to know the truth about anything if it hurt?

by  |  earlier

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but you knew you could handle it.




  1. Yes, i would want to know the truth, yeah the truth will sometimes hurt but its better to tell the truth then to make up some stupid lie and then have some one find out the hard way. When some one can just tell the truth and get it over with the easy way and not the hard way.  

  2. Yes. I'd rather know about something and use it to try to better myself than to never be told it and have everyone use it against me or let it keep holding me back.  

  3. yea then i can work up from that truth

  4. No not necassarily...If it was something that i needed to know wheather it was going to hurt me or not I would want to know, but if it was that I"m ugly and stupid then no....

  5. yes. the truth is important, even if it hurts, and knowing the truth is better in the long run.

  6. yup. i believe you should always be honest. but there is always a nice way to go about it.  

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