
Would you want to live forever?why?

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Would you want to live forever?why?




  1. no.  i get bored easily now.

  2. No. Because you be alone soon all the people you know will die all of your family and love ones. Could you adapt to the lifestyle of people living in the year 3000. it would be hard. And you be working forever also have to met new people because you live forever and they die. It sad to live forever

  3. it's right the question I wanted to post, me too

    know what ? like Pythagoras Socrates Buddha  and... I'm SURE we are damned to live FOREVER

    i just need to discover WHY...

  4. I believe only God can live forever.

    Thanks for asking.

  5. Two main reasons.

    1.  I don't think that I wold be too keen on death.  (PLEASE no one get religious on that one.  It's because I don't have solid proof here!!)

    2.  The wisdom that you would gain over years of life would be invaluable.

  6. no

    i would have already done anything i always wanted to do in life so i have no activites to pursure or anything worth meaning to me and more important i would be alone in this world to me living forever would be a curse to me and worst thing to happen to me because i would have no family and friends anymore all long gone

    meeting new people but knowing one day your friend will be gone too

    thats why i wouldnt want to live forever

    u should stephan king's the green mile (if u haven't)

    it kinda talks about this :]

  7. No, because I, personally, would get exhausted of constantly being here on this planet. Eventually I would run of activities to pursue. Besides, I want to be able to rest my body for a permanent amount of time.

  8. Are you certain that we don't?  "We" or rather "I" is not as easy to define as some may suggest.  If "We" are bodies only then the answer would have to be framed around the context and content of such a life.  And in some context and content possibilities many would say yes.  It is our individual prospectives that would color those circumstances differently.  However, it may all be a mute point.

  9. Only if my loved ones could live forever too. If not, I dont think I could strand watching everyone I cared about die.

  10. if everybody has a chance to live forever theres no words like


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