
Would you want to live on Mars if it was possible??

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And why??





  1. Yes, I would, but I am living too far in the past to make it much fun to live there. If I were living about 200 years in the future, it would be THE place to be in the solar system. A very high tech high IQ society will be born there, and the first starships to other solar systems will likely be launched from there or from one of the Martian moons. By then Mars will be much more Earth-like, with forests and food producing farms and lakes and streams. There will be a thermonuclear fusion based energy economy based on procuring Helium-3 from the atmospheres of Saturn and Uranus, headquartered on Mars. This is because it is about ten times easier to launch and land a ton of supplies to anywhere in the solar system from Mars than from the Earth!! This is even true for landing supplies onto Earth's Moon. Any spacefaring economy will need to be placed at a location where food can be easily grown and easily launched into space, and Mars is the only place in the solar system where this is true. If your grandchildren ever have the opportunity to go as colonists to Mars, strongly encourage them to do so. I can hardly wait.

  2. NO.

    The fishing on Mars is really crummy.

    Motel 6 does not have any working franchises there,

    and for some reason they refuse to set up shop there.

    Probably their light bulbs dont work on Mars.

    I can't recall ever having met any beautiful women from Mars.

  3. No because I couldn't get there and if i did I would die of old age on the way.

  4. hm... no

    y? becuase

  5. It *is* possible to live in Antarctica.  In the summer, there are something like 10,000 people there.  In the winter, not so many.  In the winter, it's really cold.  There's a doctor, but not really a hospital.  And if you really get sick, there's not much that can be done for you in the winter.  But compared to Mars, it's the garden spot.  There's breathable air.  You can melt snow for water. The radiation isn't as bad as Mars.  And so on.  And, new supplies can arrive in the Spring.

    I might want to live in Antarctica.  I wouldn't bring my family.  I'd need a job there - which might not be too hard.  I'm an engineer who does software.  These are salable skills.  But Mars?  Not so much.

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