
Would you want to live past the age of 80?

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as long as I was relatively healthy I'd want to live as long as possible, even over 100. it's the deteriorating health of the body (and mind) as well as the financial burden on other people to take care of me that worries me, not the prospect of getting old itself. thanks to everyone who answered so far.




  1. If my health is good with a sound mind and I'm financially independant, sure. I can share my experiance over many generations-upto them to take or leave it.

  2. This question is somewhat difficult. It would be great to live 80 years in one respect. If I had my health, mental faculties and mobility, I'd like to see 100. If I had a lot of health issues and living day-to-day was a burden, financially drained and had nothing at all to look forward to, then maybe not. I'm kind of competitive in the sense that I'd like to outlive my contemporaries, especially enemies. My great-great grandmother lived to be 100 and my great-grandmother is now 89. I may very well make 80.

  3. What's funny about that question, is...

    When you get to your mid-forties...

    You want to live past EVERY age to come...for a long time...I want to live until I'm dead...which from my point of view...justly ought to happen several hundred years from now, instead of just 30 or 40...

    See the numbers?

    Make sense?

    Hee Hee...

  4. a big burden to the taxpayer's money. why? too old and u no work then need taxes to feed u. 60 is the best age for me to go. I have enough of S****y poo from the dogs! also i can resume my GOD power asap! lol.

  5. i really have never thought of that

  6. yes, why not.If what am doing in this world is benefitial to the ones still on earth by then, then that will be just perfect.

    What about you?

    Thanks for asking dear.

  7. Only if I remain as healthy and happy as I am today!  

    An Astrologer once told me that I would live to be 85...healthy and independent.  Now if his prediction turns right then I may live to see/babysit my grandchildren and great grandchildren;   and will certainly look forward to spending quality time with them...The way things are today,  the mothers will have no time for their children.  Busy Mothers!

  8. If I were still able to run around like I do now.  If I'm hobbling around with a broken hip, no thank you. If I'm a bitter old woman, no thank you.

  9. Yes as it is another higher stage of life to learn and to reap all from the hardly earned wisdom in one's life and in this world. It is a time for expressing a deeper yet abundantly enriched mind of oneself. By sharing that cost of what had been learned from life.

    Each individual may strive to live happier and the longest inspite of any difficulties. The energy level may have been lowered ..But the price of what had been truly gained in life is immeasurable.

    No matter what age one can be. Everyone just simply want to be happy.

  10. only if i don't have to have my nappy changed by someone else

  11. Yes, if I had a life to live. I sure would.

    My Great Aunt didn't feel the same way tho, She said she never really wanted to live past 80 and she passed shortly after her husband.

    My Great grandmother lived to be over 100 and in good shape. She climbed alot of stairs every day to get out and about doing stuff (we never really knew where she went)  but she had a life. That might have helped.

  12. Why not?  As long as I'm healthy and life is fairly good to me  then sure!   I may be angry and old then but that wouldn't be a reason to stop living!

    My neighbors make me angry and hateful with their ignorant comments, lies and insults!   I called the demons cause of what they say about me and they were trying to put that Demon label on me! They are ignorant  jerks!  They might be reading this now!  I hate to hate but seems like I got no choice!    

  13. yes.. 80 isn't old..

    but I am still young,,and feel at peacel knowing I will someday pass

    I told my kids..just throw me in a nursing home..and I will be fine..I am already a burden to them (in their eyes)

  14. Yes, I hope to live to be 96.  Although if I died today, I think I would accept it, I have had many interesting experiences to age 26.  If I lived 70 more years without heart disease, severe dementia or strokes, that would be ideal.

  15. Not if my present circumstances continue

  16. Only if my husband was still alive, and we both have all our faculties and are independent  -- and no burden (financially, physically,etc. ) to our surrounding loved ones.

  17. I don't think so.  I still have twenty years to think about it.  Can I let you know then?

  18. no i dont want to be a burden on anybody.....

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