
Would you want to....?

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have 'year round school' ??

how it works is every ten weeks you get 2 weeks off...

im writting a report and i wouldnt want it.. some reasons to back it up with are:

we wouldnt have a 3 month vaca

interferance with an adults job

children will need child care or baby sitter

and distractions from the heat and beautiful weather....

what are some other ideas why you wouldnt want year round school??




  1. i have year round.....

  2. h**l no with 10 weeks then 2 weeks off we only get 2 months off

  3. Thanks for answering my question.

    To answer yours, I would advise against year-round school. Education is very important, but so is rest. And these various breaks throughout the year (including summer break) help recharge the batteries in kids' brains. If they have school all year round, performances in school will likely see a downslide.

  4. im in a year round school and ur making it sound worst than it really is... ur saying u dont get bored over summer vacation u can do alot of things in 6 weeks plus its every nine weeks and then u have either 2 or 3 weeks for spring fall and winter breaks i guess it does entangle with parents jobs but its no disraction from the weather

  5. it might be nice

    now we only get 2 months off for summer

  6. dat would suck! bcuz we have lifes! nd hello who wants 2 b inside when the weather is nice?

  7. i would not be able to go from cousin to cousin state to state

  8. I wouldn't like it also because of the vacation thing. It's nice to have a long vacation and not think about school.

    Also, people usually take long holidays to pick up a skill or hobby.

    Some also use it as an opportunity to get a job just to get the experience.

  9. well the year round schools are very confusing i mean different tracks and missing chrismas break and others miss summer break.

  10. your reasons are bad, focus on stress, and your life focused on school without outside activities available in the summer

  11. year round school is so stupid.

    we should have 5 months of school and 5 off

  12. It's been proven that kids need vacation. Like IT'S NECESSARY. If you have year round school, it's been proven that you won't learn as much because children's brain can't process that much information in such a long period of time.

  13. yes and your so ****** hot


  14. Child care would be the #1 problem for me if my child has year around school.

  15. i would want it, and bugger the 2 weeks, make it 1 and then you're really talking !  i didnt have kids so i would have to look after them for nearly 7 weeks in the summer, outrageous !!!  lol  x

    seriously i would prefer it that way, if i was a working parent it would be really hard to find childcare in the summer holidays it would be much easier to do it in 2 weeks stints, plus the holiday companies wouldnt be able to rip us off so much in the summer for our vacations.

  16. cuz we wouldnt learn as much. personally i think its a good idea but ppl need thier educations and this can get in the wy of learning.

  17. How about kids who get their own jobs over summer vacation?  They can work more hours consistently and make more money for themselves.

  18. why waist my time in that joint when i can see friends

  19. This is an interesting topic, and while I could go either way, I would say this for your argument that may have not been stated:

    1. Teachers often work summer jobs to supplicate income. It's harder to find jobs for a 2 week stint than it is for 3 months..teachers don't make that much money and the extra job is often needed.

    2. The same argument could be said for students needing income as well. Many students get summer jobs to buy new and cool things, but alot of lower income students use summer jobs as money to help their families eat..

    3. Two weeks would not often not be enough time if a student wanted to go overseas, for either family or cultural reasons. Many students use summer vacation as a time to travel internationally, and oftentimes 2 weeks isn't enough. Traveling helps expose students to other cultures, which is very important to our young people, esp. in these global times.

    Sorry if this wasn't eloquent.. I didn't really edit what I was thinking, hope it helps..

  20. Because summer would suck if you had to go to school all the time.
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